Chapter 29: My Person

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"You caused all this" Ella shouted over at me

"Course I did" I said rolling my eyes

"Alessia deserves better anyways" Ella scoffed walking down into the tunnel

I shrugged my shoulders before being told I was needed for an interview

"Firstly I want to say thank you for coming to do an interview with us after clearly having a heated conversation with Ella Toone" the reporter said smiling

I nodded with a smile, jaw clenched as I tried to stay polite

"You don't mind us asking what happened between you two?" She pushed

"Just a disagreement, still in the emotions from the game and guess it all boiled over" i shrugged

"Saw that you former college teammate and Toone were putting heavy tackles on you during the match, any thoughts on that?"

"Yeah they certainly did, really annoying as well since this was such a big match, especially in my career as a football player, I had something to prove to the fans today and that was taken off me as I had to be subbed because they were putting dangerous tackles on me" I said

"These fans are amazing, since joining this club I haven't regretted it once or had one bad thought about joining and that is mainly down to the fans, they are hands down the best in the League... maybe even Europe. I want to give something back to these fans and I really thought today was the day for it... I'm sorry gunners that I didn't do enough for you today" I added

"But you won the game?" The reporter asked

"True we did, just wish I could have played more of a part in it"

"Well thank you, good luck for the season" the reporter said

I smiled, jaw still clenched and walked off down the tunnel and into the changing rooms

I took my shirt off and throw it against my locker, I felt some hands snake under my arms and armpits and then travel up my chest, wrapping them around my shoulder and pulling me back into their body

"You okay?" Jill asked softly, kissing my clenched jaw

"Yeah" I muttered, looking down at my hands

"Come on, I know your not... talk to me Alex" she said softly leaning her head against my back

"They just ruined my match and could have injured me for what? Because I broke up with Alessia... shit happens why can't they move on" I sighed getting angry

"I know, don't get wound up with it again okay? The fans think your amazing and know how great you are, we have city in a few weeks time... you can show how brilliant you can be against them" jill said softly

We stayed silent for a little while before I sighed and nodded, turning around and pulling her into a hug

"Thank you" I whispered softly


Last night arsenal played Man Utd in a league game, arsenal won convincing against the Red Devils, during the match Alex Turner had to be subbed off because her manager claimed 'it was too risky to carry on playing her [alex turner]' this came about as during the match two Man Utd players constantly went after Alex turner. Alessia Russo and Ella Toone, the two players going for Alex turner were seen having a heat argument with Alex Turner after the match. However the argument was mostly between Toone and Turner it was later broken apart by Jill Roord and Alessia Russo.

Sky Sports did an interview with Alex turner after the match, Turner claimed it was just a disagreement and both players were still in the emotions of the game and it all bubbled over. However a clip has gone viral of the two players during the altercation, in the video you can hear the two go back and fourth with each other before Turner reacts and pushed Toone. It starts off with Toone walking straight past Turner when they go round shaking the opposition team players, turner says ' thanks for ruining my game' Toone turns around and says ' you caused it' and taking a step closer to Turner, turner replies with 'and how did I do that then' to which Tooney replies with 'treating Alessia like shit'

They both carry on going back and fourth, talking about Alessia and Alex breaking up due to long distance and that Alex said to Alessia that she was really proud of her but just couldn't do long distance, Ella then claims that Alex then goes and 'fucks' one of her teammates after breaking up with Alessia a few days beforehand , Alex is quick to shut that down and claims that she didn't 'fuck' anyone until weeks after the break up she then goes and talks about the long distance problem and that she has moved on with her life and so should Toone and Russo, Turner said she wants to keep Russo as a friend but it's quite clear that Russo doesn't want to be friends with her

Later on in the argument Ella Toone calls Jill Roord a slag which causes Alex to react and push her, Ella shoving her back in return, Alex calls Ella a slag before they both are separated

Jill Roord pulled Alex away and Alessia Russo pulled Ella away, you can see in the video that Turner is trying to get out of Roords hands to start on Ella again before Rood eventually calms her down

What is everyone's thoughts on this?


I sighed when I read this

This isn't what I or the team needed at the moment in time, Alessia and I are history, I still want to be friends but she clearly doesn't want to be friends with me.

I've moved on but clearly she hasn't, nor has Ella either

I sighed and got up leaving me phone on the sofa and making my way into the kitchen, where Jill was standing cooking food

"Need any help" I asked softly, massaging her shoulders as I stood behind her

"No it's okay" she said said softly, turning her head to face me with a soft smile

I kissed her on the lips before resting my head on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her waist

She was my person...

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