Chapter 60: Week Together

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The FA had decided to give all players a week off, no training and no matches to focus on mental health.

We were all excited about the week off, planning what we were going to do during the week off.

Alessia was coming to spend the week with me in London.

"Excited for the week off Alex" Leah asked as she slung her arm over my shoulder

"Heard Russo is coming down to London for the week" Leah added teasing me

"Yeah she is" I nodded

"Got anything planned for the week then?" Leah asked

"No just spend some time with Alessia" I shrugged

"Cute, well have a good week mate" Leah said as she patted my shoulder as we walked out to the car park

"Yeah you too" I smiled at her as I got to my car

I got in and drove to the shop, buying some food and treats for Alessia and I

As I pulled into my driveway I saw Alessia's car in the drive

She started to get out the car as I parked up, once I parked up I got out and made my way over to her

"Hello" I said softly as I pulled her into a hug

"Hey" Alessia mumbled into my neck

We pulled away from each other, Alessia turning to grab her bags

"Excited for the week?" I asked as I grabbed the shopping bags out of my car

"With you? No" Alessia teased as she walked over to me

I slung my arm over her shoulder and brought her closer into my body as we walked up to my front door

I unlocked the door and let her in first before making our way to my kitchen

I pulled out some of Alessia favourite treats

"Awww thank you Alex" Alessia said as she walked over to me and hugged me

We soon went and sat on my sofa, Alessia laid on me as we found something to put on

"How's United going?" I asked as I flicked through the choices we had

"Alright, but I'm thinking of moving at the end of the season" Alessia shrugged

I looked down at her

"Oh yeah? To the mighty arsenal?" I teased

"I've had an offer from them" Alessia said causally

"Wait really!" I said getting excited

"Yeah but nothing is certain yet Alex, don't get to excited" Alessia said as she traced my collar bone with her finger

"Nah I wasn't anyways" I rolled my eyes jokingly

"Sure you weren't" Alessia teased back as we eventually found something to watch

"Alex, alex wake up" Alessia said softly

I opened my eyes and looked down at Alessia, confused as to when I fell asleep

"Hello sleepy" Alessia said as she pressed a kiss to my cheek

"Shall we get take out for dinner?" Alessia asked

I nodded my head as I stretched, Alessia started to sit up as I followed her

We went into my kitchen and pulled out the take away menus

I stood behind Alessia, resting one of my hands on the countertop besides her while my other hand was placed on her lower back

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