chapter 69: shouldn't be playing

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"leah!" i snapped, i was currently having an argument with leah about whether alex should start or not

"i can't not let her play" leah sighed as she tried to calm the situation down

"i don't care if she's said she can play, i'm telling you now she can't play... she's not in the correct mindset" i snapped again

"look she's said she can play, if she comes to me and says she can't play then i'll tell sarina but if she doesn't then i can't do anything about it" leah sighed

"this is fucking ridiculous" i snapped as i left her room

"alessia" i heard her shout after me but i ignored her

i was so fed up that i didn't see the girl walking towards me

i crashed into her, her arms went round me to stop me from falling over

"woah watch out" the voice said softly

i looked up and saw it was mapi leon, the spainsh team were in the same hotel as us since we were playing them at old trafford tonight

"sorry, sorry" i mumbled

"you okay?" she asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder

i nodded before walking off

unaware of who was watching the whole interaction

my blood boiled when i saw mapi leon touch alessia, why the fuck is she touching her, there's no need

i had been losing my shit quickly recently, i was angry at myself for failing to protect alessia and i was taking it out on everyone else

i walked into the relaxing room for us english players, jaw clenched as i made my way over to leah

"are you happy playing tonight?" leah asked

"yes, why do you keep asking me this?" i said annoyed

"well alessia just said your not in the right mind to play tonight" leah explained

"well i am, don't listen to her" i snapped as i stood up, my eyes meeting alessia's

i rolled my eyes and went out of the room, up to alessia and my room

alessia has no right to tell leah, the captain, if i can play or not.

that's my decision not hers.

i heard the door open, looking up and seeing alessia walk through the door

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" alessia sighed as she placed her jumper on the table next to her

"nowt" i said as i brought my eyes back to my phone

"don't bullshit me alex" alessia said sternly

"i ain't bullshitting anything mate" i snapped back

"don't you fucking dare call me mate!" alessia said as i stood up

both as annoyed as each, alessia was annoyed about my behaviour and i was annoyed with everything in this world

"now you tell me what the fuck is wrong or im going" she said pointing at the door

"i've just fucking said nothing is wrong" i snapped

"no because if nothing was wrong you wouldn't be acting like this, you wouldn't be shouting back at me like this... i fucking know you like the back of my hand and you've never reacted like this unless there's something seriously wrong... so please tell me what's wrong alex" alessia said being a lot more calmer

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