Chapter 27: Make or Break

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We were sat on the sofa, Alessia in between my legs with her hand on my knee and massaging it as we watched a movie

I woke up this morning with the same stabbing pain in my knee, I had injured my knee when I fell from a tree and smashed it against a rock that was under the tree

The physios don't know what the problem is and I have been for multiple scans to see if they can spot anything but they can't

It's lived with me since the age of 14, the age I injured my knee, and ever since then I've never been the same

Some days are worse then others, some days I can't even walk downstairs and then others I won't feel any pain there

I try not let it affect my football so when I am in pain I take some pain killers, sometimes it works numbing the pain other times it does fuck all

"How's your knee" Alessia asked softly as she leaned further into me, her back resting on my front

"It's alright, I don't understand why it's playing up its summer" I sighed

Normally I don't have problems with my knee durning the summer, unless I have pushed my self to much and then I get the stabbing pain

Normally it's during the winter, the cold weather mixed with high intensity running doesn't mix well for my knee

Sometimes during the summer when I haven't done owt for a few weeks during the summer break and then go back for preseason it aches but that's it

Alessia got a call from her phone, some random number

She got up and left the room to answer the call

I sighed thinking about the situation I'm in, I've fully signed with arsenal now and waiting to see what Alessia chooses

I don't want to sound selfish but I need her by my side, I hope she picked arsenal over Man Utd

She came back in, I moved my eyes to her and gave her a soft smile

She nodded her head towards the door and told me to come with her

I got up, ignoring the stabbing pain in my knee and made my way over to less

"You okay?" I asked softly

"We need to chat, come on" Alessia said

We walked up to her room, I sat down as she paced in front of me

"Whatever it is less, you can tell me" I said softly grabbing her hand to stop her moving

"I'm moving to Manchester" she said quickly

"What? But less" I said before being cut off

"I know I said I'm looking to join arsenal with you and Lotte but they have made an offer to me I can't reject, no it's not money but it's guaranteed game time, helping the club grow and they seem like they have an exciting future at the club with a management team that want the very best for this club" Alessia said

I stood up and rubbed my forehead

"You'll be in Manchester and I'll be in London" i said

Alessia nodded nervously

I sighed before pulling her into a hug

"I'm happy for you less, I couldn't be prouder and I'll support you no matter where you are" I said kissing the side of her head

"Even Chelsea" Alessia teased

"Hmm we might have a slight problem there" i said

Alessia laughed before pressing our lips together

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