Chapter 49: Suprise?

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I was sat in my room after finishing training, about to go down to spend some time with the girls

'We need to talk' my brother sent to me

I called him immediately, concerned about what it was

"You okay, Harry" I asked when he answered

"Look I have something to tell you" he said, you could hear the nervousness in his voice

"Okay..." I said

"So you might have a niece" Harry said

"Pardon?" I said confused

"Look I didn't know how to tell you, shes 5 years old, looks like a mini you and her name is Eva" he said

"She's 5!" I said raising my voice

"Look I didn't know how to tell you" he said again

"It's taken you 5 fucking years to tell me that!" I said standing up and pacing about

"Well we don't see each other very much" he said

"Oh so that's alright then, don't bother telling me I've had a fucking niece for 5 years" I snapped

"Does she even know she has an auntie" I scoffed

"Yeah I've shown her pictures and videos of you" he said

"Oh that's great, thank you so much, know she's probably wondering why I haven't made an effort to come see her" I said rubbing a hand down my face

"I'll tell her why I promise" he said

"Your ridiculous Harry" i scoffed

"Why have you left it so late to tell me" I added

"Well we are coming back to England to watch the euros and I thought it was better to tell you now then just show up with her" harry explained

"Did you not think to tell me when she was younger?" I scoffed

"I've got to go, I'll call you later" I said before cutting the call

I've had a niece for 5 years with out knowing?

I grabbed my football boots and grabbed the spare football in my room and made my way down to the spare football pitch

I lined up a shot and blasted it into the net

There's got to be another reason why he didn't tell me about her

I came down later in the evening, the girls had planned for us to spend sometime in the relax room

I had decided to join them later on as I had things to catch up on

"Where's Alex?" I asked as I scanned the room, finding that she wasn't there

"We thought she was with you, she hasn't been down at all" Leah shrugged

It had been a good 2 hours since the girls all went into the relax room which made me concerned as I've heard nothing from her nor has she been here or to my room

I started to look around the camp trying to find her

The last place I checked was the spare football pitch, I found her taking shots at the net over and over again

I walked up to her and placed my hand on her arm

"Hey" I said softly

She shrugged me off and continued to have shots at the net

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