Chapter 26: Niece

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"So Luca's kid is gonna stay over here for two weeks since luca's wife might have covid" I said repeating Alessia's words

"Yeah, she'll stay in Luca's old room for the time she's here, they just don't want her to get covid" Alessia said looking up at me as we laid together on a sun bed

"When she arriving?" I asked

"Mum and dad have just gone to pick her up" Alessia said moving closer to my neck as she laid on me

I pressed a kiss to her forehead before closing my eyes, spending as much time as I could in the sun

"Auntie Alessia!" We heard a child's voice shout as Alessia's niece ran through the house and out into the garden

Alessia got up and hugged the little girl as I sat at the end of the sun bed, smiling at the two of them

Millie, the kid, was blonde with bright blue eyes, like Alessia, probably 4 or 5 years old

"Mils you want to meet someone" Alessia asked softly as she crouched next to the girl

Millie nodded shyly before Alessia stepped aside, letting me be in Millie's vision

"Ello kiddo" I said softly

Millie walked over to me and held out her hands, I was shocked at her action as she had only just met me

I lifted her up and rested her on my knee

"Ello?" Millie said confused

"Sorry hello" I said pronounce the h

"Why do you say Ello?" She asked

"I'm from Yorkshire, it's my accent" I said softly, smiling at the girl taking interest in my accent

"I like it" Millie said honestly

"Thank you kiddo" I smiled at her

"Are you excited to spend two weeks with your auntie?" I asked her

Millie nodded

"Are you sure?" I said raising my eye brow with a smile

"Not really" Millie said cheekily

"Don't blame you kiddo" I laughed

"Hey!" We heard Alessia say

We both smiled at her

Alessia shock her head jokingly

"What's your name?" Millie asked bringing her attention back to me

"Alex" I said softly

"Can I call you ally?" The girl asked shyly

"You can call me whatever you want kiddo" I smiled at her, heart melting at the name she had given me

I looked up at less, she had a soft smile on her face as she watched mine and Millie's interaction

Alessia and I were laying on separate sun beds, I was mindlessly drawing shapes onto her hamstring as she tried to catch a tan

I leaned over onto her sun bed and pressed a kiss to the side of her head facing me

She turned her head to look at me, giving me a soft smile before going to say something but being interrupted by Millie

"Auntie Alessia" Millie said as she stood at the end of Alessia's sun bed

"Yes" Alessia said softly

"Can you come play football with me?" Millie asked

"Not right now kiddo, I'll come in a little bit okay" Alessia said

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