Chapter 46: Birthday

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I groaned as I felt some weight being placed above me, I felt someone press a kiss to my neck

I was currently sleeping, or was, on my stomach with my hands under my pillow and head facing the wall to avoid the morning sun

"Morning birthday girl" Alessia said as she pressed another kiss my neck

"Morning" i grumbled out as I opened my eyes

I turned around, Alessia now sat straddling my stomach as she looked down at me

She pressed her hand on my chest as she leaned down to press a kiss against my lips

She then reached over and grabbed something on my bed side table

It was a card, she pasted it to me as she watched me open it

I opened it and read the card

"Thank you" I smiled up at her softly

I leaned up and pressed a kiss to her lips before wrapping my arms around her waist

We broke apart as she moved her head to my chest

"Let me get ready for the day and then we can head down to the dining hall" i said as I started to move

Alessia nodded and rolled off me, moving up to my pillow and resting her head on it as I went into the bathroom

I got showered and put on some of my england clothes before stepping back out, Alessia sat on my phone

"Help yourself" I teased

"Thank you I will" Alessia teased back as I jumped onto the bed and watched as she played her favourite game on my phone

I had purposely downloaded it just for her, it was this puzzle game and she was on level 239, I've never gone on the app unless I'm with her and she's telling me what to do so she's done that on her own

Pretty impressive actually, I wouldn't have been able to even reach level 20

I took my phone of her and stood up

"Hey!" She said standing up, doing the reactions I hoped she would

I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss to her forehead

"You ready to go down?" I asked

She nodded and we made our way downstairs

"Aww thank you guys" I said as I saw presents by my normal seating spot

"Open them then" Beth said excited

"Okay okay" I laughed

I opened the first one to see it was the England euros top signed by everyone, with a nice message on the back written by Alessia

'Happy birthday star girl!!

This will be a memorable summer, can't wait to spend every minute with you X'

I smiled as I turned to Alessia, pulling her into another hug

"Thank you" I mumbled into her hair

I opened the rest of my presents which were joke presents from the girls but still was a kind act from them all

"Thank you guys" I smiled at the group

Leah walked over and pulled me into a hug

"Not a bad day to have your birthday Ay" she said as we hugged

I smiled at her as we pulled apart

"Not at all"

Today was the opening game for the euros, unfortunately I wasn't going to be able to play tonight but still sitting on the bench was something I'll never take for granted

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