Matthew Bellamy - @somebody-actually

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You , Matt and Chris were sleeping over at Dom's place.

You were slightly scared, being on a couch, in the complete dark, with paranoia at hand.

You let out a quiet sigh, crossing your arms. Knowing the boys were in the room helped, but you still felt unsafe.

You slowly got up, shakily feeling your way to the door, when you found it you slipped out and went to the living room.

It was more scary in there than it was in the bedroom. You ran into the kitchen, turning on the light.

After your eyes had adjusted, you sat down at the counter, and played with your fingers.

You heard a faint noise, but couldnt decifer what it was, which freaked you out even more.

You stared at the dark doorway, as you heard more noises. Suddenly Matt entered the doorway, shielding his delicate blue eyes from the light.

When his had adjusted, he looked at you with a tired and confused face, which you thought was adorable.

You'd always really had strong feelings for Matt, but you were so good at hiding it.

"What're you doin up, love?" He asked, sitting next to you.

His black hair matched the thin black jacket he was wearing, which was unzipped just enough so you could see his chest. He had dark blue argile pants on.

"Uh..." You didn't want to admit your problem to Matt.

"You're scared aren't you?" He said.

Well shit.

"How'd you know?" You asked.

He turned more towards you, and looked into your eyes.

"When I was younger, I was horrified when i slept at Dom's. There was a lot of noises, and it was so dark. But, I realized I was okay. I slept right next to Chris, so that's probably why, but it helped, you know?" He said.

You nodded and smiled.

"C'Mon. I'll be your Chris for tonight." He said, referring to his story.

He took your hand and led you back into the bedroom, where he laid on the couch, and had you lay right next to him.

He wrapped an Arm securely around your waist, and burried his face into your hair.

You blushed, and closed your eyes.

"Thank you, Matt." You whispered.

"It's no problem. I've been freaking of a moment like this." He said softly.




"Can I tell you a secret?"


Matt got right next to your ear.

"I like you." He whispered.

"M-Matt... I... I like you too." You said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah... I always have." You said, suddenly, you felt Matt shift you, and you felt his lips slowly meet yours. You kissed back.

Soon, you parted.

"I hope you'll consider being mine?" He asked.

"Of course Matt."

"Goodnight, Y/N..."

"G'night Bellamy." You said.

And soon enough, you were asleep, and in the arms of the love of your life, too.

Hi! Oh god I feel like this was bad. I hope it wasn't.

I'll do another one too if yall would Like since @somebody-actually says there aren't enough, and i agree. ~

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