Craig Mabbitt -@ZaraSambrano

821 14 4

It felt like slow motion as you and Craig ran towards each other.

You were both in the airport and Craig had just gotten back after almost 2 years of touring.

You slammed into him as he wrapped his arms around you, and lifted you up, spinning you in circles.

Without any regard as to who was around you, and if there were people taking pictures, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and roughly kissed him.

He's been your boyfriend for more than 5 years now. You're not NOT going to kiss him.

He kissed you back and it seemed like everything else disappeared for a little bit.

When you both finally parted for air, you tangled your hands in his hair.

"I missed you." you panted.

"I missed you too, but now isn't the place for this." he said breathlessly.

You hopped down, and grabbed his hand. He lifted his luggage and you both walked out of the airport, climbing into your car, and driving out to a restaurant to get lunch.

After sitting down and eating you asked him questions about the tour.

"Any crazy fan girls try to get you to sleep with them?" you asked sarcastically.

Suddenly his face dropped.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

"You slept with a fucking fan girl... Holy shit... I cant fucking believe it." You said.

You felt slightly hysterical as you stared at him in disbelief.

He didn't even try and deny it.

"You did." you said again.

He gulped, and looked up at you.

"I-I cant fucking believe it."

You stood up.

"Y/N, wait-"

"No. I'm out." You said. You quickly walked out of the restaurant and back to your car.

You drove home angry and sat on your couch, dreading the moment when Craig would walk through that door.


Craig walked through the door, drunk as can be.

"Y/N..." he slurred as he sniffled and tears drove their way down his face.

Immediately you wanted to forgive him.

He looked wrecked.

"Craig, what the fuck did you do?" you asked.

He pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and threw it at you as he fell to the floor, un able to keep his balance.

You opened it and an engagement ring was inside.

"I-Is this for me?" you ask.

"YES." he whined like a child. It was actually quite whimsical.

"Yes." you said.

"What?" He asked, seemingly sober within a few seconds.

"Yes." you say as you slipped the ring on your own finger.

"Holy shit thank god." he said as he got up, and jumped on the couch next to you, hugging you closely to him.



I don't even know what this is oh my god I'm sorry. This one probably sucks.

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