Alex Turner Imagine

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You cried. You cried so hard you were shaking.

You were so confused and so upset.

You read on.

"God why is s/he even with Alex? I bet its for the money."

"S/He's just trying to get into his pants, slut."

"Get the fuck away from Alex you cunt."

"Ugly fucking whore"

"Alex doesn't even love her/him."

"I bet he is only with her/him because s/he sucks his dick."

"S/He's so fucking ugly like what the fuck why would Alex even go out with her/him? "

"Alex is mine bitch, stay away." 






The names didn't stop. You shoved your laptop away from you putting your hands on your face. How could people be so hateful? You were with Alex because you loved him, but people didn't believe you.

You began to cry out loud as shake uncontrollably.

You were so caught up in crying that you didn't hear Alex come in.

"Y/N!!! What the fuck?! Are you okay?!" Alex rushed to you, climbing over the sheets on the bed until he was sitting next to you.

"Y/N?" he asked in a panic.

You couldn't answer him. Alex Frantically looked around and then his eyes landed on the laptop on Twitter.

He took a look at all those rude tweets that had been sent to you and he shut the laptop with a frustrated sigh.

"Y/N..." he said.

He grabbed you as you shook still in tears and pulled you to his chest, so you were resting against him.  He hugged you close and stroked your hair, this began to calm you down.

He hushed you softly as he continued to stroke your hair, leaving tiny kisses every once in a while on the top of your head.

Once you were calm, all that was left was the occasional hiccup.

"Listen, Y/N... All of 'at ... Stuff. Don't listen to a bloody word of it." he said motioning towards the computer.

"All of 'ats shit. Jus' jealous fans is all. You're the most beautiful girl/boy in the world. Don't ever think that you're not. I love you with all me heart and bein." Alex said to you.

"I k-know I just... It hurts." you sniffle.

"I know, I know, Love. We all get 'ate." He says.

"But jus' know that it aint true. None of it. You're beautiful, and I love you." he says.

"I love you too Alex." you say to him.

Then you slowly fell asleep in his arms, with him humming softly to you.



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