Frank Iero -@ghxstlyxterrors

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You walked down the street.

You hadn't seen Frank in weeks.

You knew that he wasn't on tour, but he wouldn't answer any of your calls or texts.

You were majorly worried and hoped that he was okay.

You knew Frank's past and not having contact with him for so long filled you with anxiety and worry.

You were going to Frank's house.

You walked quickly, your feet not allowing you to slow down, even when you felt a tad out of breath.

Your hands felt numb as you walked.

Eventually, you began to run.

You were so close.

Why the hell didn't you being your skateboard?

You were too worried.

That's why.

Frank was your best friend.

For a long time he was the only thing that kept you on this world, because he was all that you had left.

But along with his friendship, he brought with him many other friends and things that kept you sane in this crazy life.

Once you reached the front door, you bent over, panting a bit, but not waiting to knock on the door.

You waited, and soon your breathe had returned to you.

You began to bounce a bit.

You knocked again.

No answer.

You felt heat rush through you, the worried overheated kind.

After another minute, you knocked again, louder than the other times.

No answer.

"Frank!" You shouted at the door, hoping that your voice would ring through it enough to reach his ears... If he was alive.

Your mind raced with all the worst possible case scenarios.

The number one that was racing through your mind; What if he was dead?

This thought made you very jittery.

"Frank!" you screamed.

"Please open the door!" You screamed.

You were sure that your screams would alarm the neighbors. But you didn't care, You needed him.

You needed him to be alive, and you needed him to answer the door, because you didn't think that you could handle it if he wasn't.

You grabbed the door handle.

Your plan was to juggle it, and yank it until someone came to your aid.

But, to your surprise, the knob twisted, and the front door opened right before you.

You had just opened the door.

It was unlocked.

"No... No, no, no..." You mumbled, staring into the dark room, in which all the curtains were drawn.

"F-Frank?" you let out, but your voice was small.

You walked through the bottom floor, not finding any traces of life.

You looked at his stairs with dread building in your stomach.

Already you felt sick, the unknown pestering you and haunting you.

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