Jonathan Davis -@MintAndCookies

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You and JD had decided to take a stroll through the woods near by.

It was late winter. Nothing had gained life back but it wasn't horrifically cold either.

It was a day in which everyone was rather jaded.

There wasn't much happening, and it was just one of those days where there was nothing great to do or accomplish.

One of those days where you could easily sleep it away, or spend it doing anything except responsibilities.

One of those days where the consciousness and the Earth were not one, and everyone was scattered.

It was cloudy.

After this morning's hangover, JD had eaten something that you hadn't seen him eat before; oatmeal.

You watched him with your own breakfast, watching as the man was totally engrossed in a bowl of hot brown sugar cinnamon cereal.

After that, he'd thrown on his sweater, and pulled you off the couch, prompting the two of you to go on a walk.

Now here you were, your camera around your neck as JD and yourself walked along, the sound of branches snapping under your feet being the only noise around.

"We should do this more often..." JD let out, trying to balance himself as he walked along a fallen log.

"Yeah..." you agreed, holding up your camera and taking a photo of some of the nature.

Everything was rather gray in the area, and it was really interesting to see the world around you so drained of color yet at the same time still so beautiful.

As you raked your eyes along the trees, you found one particular area that looked good.

"JD," you called.

"Huh-Uff!" He had looked up quickly and in the process lost his balance and fell off the log.

You laughed, and he was quick to speak. "Don't help me up, I'm fine." he said, sarcasm dripping off his words.

You laughed again, smiling at the silly dreaded man who was slowly standing and brushing himself off.

"Come stand over here, would you?" you ask.

"Why?" he asked, picking pieces of leaves out of his dreads.

"Because I asked you to." you said.

He looked up at you, rolling his eyes.


He walked over and stood in front of you.

You held up your camera, and he let out a small sound. "Oh."

He posed a bit and you snapped the photo.

"That could be a promotion shot." you smiled, admiring the scene.

"I bet." he said, slowly walking up to you.

Once he reached you, he bent down.

You were looking down at your camera and he pressed his lips gently to your cold cheek.

When he parted, he sighed, walking around some more and looking at the nature around him.

You smiled, feeling a light blush raise to your cheeks.

You put away your camera and followed the thin man around.

Eventually you walked past him, grabbing his hand as you did so.

You turned around to face him, his hand still in your own and he followed.

His eyes glanced down for a split second before going back up to yours and smirking.

"Wh-Woah!" You tripped, falling on your back, taking JD with you.

He laid on top of you and smiled.

"Why didn't you say anything?" you asked, a bit winded.

He smiled, pushing back your hair.

"Didn't feel like it." he said, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours for a moment.

When he backed up, he gazed into your eyes lovingly.

"JD," you whispered.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"You're heavy."

He made a 'Pff' noise and hid his face in your neck.

You laughed and wrapped your arms around the warm man.

Today wasn't a total waste.

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