Dave Grohl -@crybabyway

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You sat in the car with Dave, and you were freaking out.

You were stuck in traffic, and you needed to be at an event by 4.

It was 3:30 and you were not even half way there because of the thick traffic.

You knew that Dave was beginning to get aggravated, since you had been repeating the same things all day.

Back at the house, you'd left late, and it was because Dave couldn't find his nice tie or glasses.

"Dave, we're not gonna make it!" You said again.

"Dave, why couldn't you have just put out your clothing before like I told you to?!" you complained.

He stayed silent, and you felt the tension building in the car, but you were too upset to notice it.

You looked at your watch, "Holy shit we're not gonna fucking make it."

You stayed silent for a few seconds before you spoke up again, looking at the annoying cars surrounding you.

"If you'd just fucking listened to me, we would be there already."

Dave began tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and he looked off to the side.

"Fucking hell, Dave! We're gonna be late!"

"Complaining every fucking 2 seconds isn't gonna make us get there any fucking faster!" he snapped.

"Well, I'm fucking sorry! If you'd just set out your clo-"


"Don't tell me to shut the fuck up! You're the asshole that's making us late!" you screamed back.

"I cant control the fucking traffic!" he screamed, qripping the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

"You never fucking listen to me!" you screamed.

"I don't give a fuck!" he shouted back.

"You don't fucking listen!"

"I don't-"

"I fucking told you! I fucking said, 'Hey Dave, set out your nice clothing for tomorrow because I don't want to be late' and what the fuck did you say?! Oh, 'We'll be fine I know where they are its no big deal' FUCK YOU NO BIG DEAL!"

"I don't even want to go to this stupid fucking event!" he shouted, breathing heavily.

"Oh really?! So you're fucking sabotaging me?! Because you don't want to fucking go?! What kind of bullshit asshole stunt is that you fucking prick?!" you screamed.

"Fuck you!" He screamed, turning towards you.

"How fucking dare you! Stop being such an asshole for once in your life!" you screamed.

His eyes were filled with rage.

"You aren't even going to stay the whole time, you brought your fucking guitar because you're gonna bail half way through it and go to practice!" you shouted.

"You know what?! FUCK THIS! FUCK YOU!" He grabbed his guitar from the back seat and angrily pushed open his door in the middle of the traffic.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" you shouted.

He just flipped you off and walked down the road with his guitar case in hand.

You quickly moved to the drivers seat, feeling the rage leave you, and sadness overcome you.

After sitting in traffic for a good 30 more minutes, you knew that the event had stared, and you were going to be late.

As you sat there more and more, tears began to well in your eyes, and soon, they began to spill out in full on sobs.

The traffic finally started moving but you felt completely wrecked.

You ended up driving home, changing into your pajamas, washing off your face and sitting on your couch, just crying.

Before you knew it, it was 9 at night, and the door was shutting.

You tensed up as you heard keys and footsteps.

Dave walked into the room and he stopped when he saw you, huddled on the couch, just staring at the window.

He stood there for a moment, and then he finally decided to set his guitar case down, and walked over to you, sitting on the couch gently.

"Hey..." he said softly.

You didn't budge.

He reached a hand out to gently touch your arm but you flinched and jumped back.

"Hey, hey," he hushed as he held his hand still.

He set it on your arm extremely carefully and he leant downward a bit, trying to catch your eyes.

"How was the event?" he gulped.

"I didn't go." you whispered, your voice hoarse.

"Y-you didn't? Why not?" he asked.

You looked into his eyes and he instantly picked up on your emotions.

He exhaled and looked down before looking back up and into your eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for not laying out my clothing, I'm sorry that I screamed at you, I'm sorry that I left you in the middle of the freeway without a second thought. I'm sorry that I said all those nasty things to you, I'm sorry about making you upset, and I'm sorry that you didn't get to go to the event." he listed off his apologies.

You began to cry again.

"I'm sorry that I was such a bitch, I really shouldn't have harped on you as much as I did, if at all. I shouldn't have complained so much, it wasn't helping. I'm sorry that I was overreacting. I never wanted to fight, Fuck, Dave, I'm so sorry..." you cried.

"Hey," he said, pulling you into his chest.

"You're okay. I promise. I accept your apologies."

"I accept yours." you responded back.

"How about, tomorrow, I take you out on the town, and we'll spend the whole day together, yeah? We'll stroll through that park that you love." he said.

You nodded, wiping your face.

"I'd love that." you said.

He put his hands on your cheeks, smiling as he looked into your eyes.

He leant forward and kissed your lips and when you parted, he pushed some of your hair out of your face, "We're okay. I love you, Y/N." he said.

"I love you, too."

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