Sebastian Bach -@mille2401

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You walked along the strip with Sebastian.

You had your camera around your neck, and he was dressed up perfectly for some photos.

You figured, even though it was a day off, you could take a few photos that you could keep and cherish, and even share with some people so that one day people will look back at him and remember his beauty.

"Go right there," you said, pointing to a gray pole that had a red box on it.

He leant against it and a gust of wind hit him as he stood.

You pushed down on the button eagerly, finding it to be a perfect shot.

Once it was taken, you smiled, appreciating the man who seemed to lose himself in watching the crowd.

You watched the man.

He then looked down, licking his lips before looking up at you.

Your smile grew a little wider as you looked down.

He walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest.

You hugged him carefully, and he leant down, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.

He took your hand as you two continued to walk along the strip.

You stopped in a restaurant, catching some lunch, and then continuing your adventure.

You guys had been out all day, going into different shops that you had always seen but never bothered to go into. You went to malls and into clubs, checking out the interiors.

You went to hardware stores and looked at all the random tools, imagining what they might be used for.

You stopped by parks around town, taking some photos and playing on the playground like kids.

You stopped by some homes of long term friends, who you enjoyed seeing from time to time.

All the time, after each activity, and even during the majority of them, Sebastian would stop and give you a kiss and a hug.

You had both woken up this morning with a warm feeling, and it seemed there was an agreement without words that today would be full of exploration.

You even stopped by a skate park for a while, where some kids recognized Sebastian, and got autographs and photos.

You watched them all skate around, looking at all the cool tricks that you could only imagine doing in your wildest dreams.

When a kid would fall, you'd both giggle, but smile as the kid got right back up and tried whatever he was attempting again and again until he got it shakily right.

Finally, you had reached a park that you and Sebastian enjoyed strolling through now and again.

It was a crisp evening, and as you walked through the tall hedges, and rose bushes, Sebastian stopped you, biting his lip as he looked into your eyes.

He then slowly reached his hand in his pocket, applying some more pressure on his lip as he pulled out a small box and shook it, gripping it tightly before getting down on one knee.

"Will you marry me, Y/N?"

You stood there and looked into his eyes for a moment.


He stood quickly and kissed you feverishly as he placed the ring on your finger.

The scene was truly beautiful.

Your faces inches away from one another's, as he panted, staring into your water eyes.

His hands were on your cheeks and yours were holding onto his forearms.

This was the beginning of the rest of your life, and you were glad to be taking the journey with Sebastian.

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