Axl Rose -@SweetChild87

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You sat at the bar.

You lifted your drink to your lips, while looking out the window.

A bus had just pulled up, and a young man, with flaming orange hair, a backwards cap, and a flannel hopped off it, looking around.

A piece of wheat dangled from his lips, and he looked rather attractive.

He looked all around him before his eyes landed on the bright sign of the bar that you were in.

Being LA, many people were out in bars, and you were no stranger to this particular one.

The man stepped in the door, a case in his hands.

He walked up to the empty space next to you, and looked at the bartender.

Jerry, the bartender quickly walked up to him, taking his drink order and quickly working on it.

"Jer, his is on me." You called to him.

Jerry looked up and nodded.

"Hey, thanks." the deep voice rang beside you.

You looked at him. He was even more handsome up close.

You sent him a friendly smile.

"No problem. You just get to LA?" you asked, turning towards him completely.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm from Lafayette, Indiana." he said.

"Lafayette?!" You exclaim.

He nodded. "You've come a long way!" You laugh.

"You can say that again." he chuckled, giving off a playful smirk.

"So, what's your name, stranger?" he asked, sitting down on the bar stool, and setting down his case by his feet.

"Y/N" you smiled at him.

"Well, lovely to meet you Y/N." he said, his accent shining through.

"What's your name?" you asked.

He looked conflicted for a moment.

"Axl," he said. "Axl Rose."

You smiled at him, "That's a cool name."

"Thanks, it will be well known." he said, taking his drink from Jerry.

"Will it now?" you ask, laughing a bit.

"Yeah. Me and my band will make it big, and then everyone will know my name. Guns N' Roses front man, Axl Rose." he said, looking at the wall as if he could see it.

"Is that what brings you down here, Mr. Rose?" you ask him.

He looks at you and smiles.


"So you sing?" you ask.

He explained most of his life to you and all the things that he wanted to accomplish in LA.

You shared a bit about your own life, where you came from, your job etc.

You two spoke until ungodly hours of the night, and eventually you offered for him to stay at your place.

You'd brought him back to your home and put him up in the extra bedroom.

"I work with some producers that can help you out. They'll probably take you on, seeing as you have everything planned." you explained, smiling at him.

"Thanks so much." he said.

"Oh its no problem." you said back.

Before he went to bed that night, he gave you a kiss on the cheek.


Over the following months, you and Axl grew close.

Though, at the same time that he had put his band together, and started playing gigs, you felt that your friendship wouldn't be long lived.

The day soon came that was moving out, buying his own home and touring with his band.

You scarcely saw Axl now a days.

It had been almost 2 years since that day.

Axl called and visited you a lot, but you didn't feel that he was that much of a friend anymore.

Little did you know.

Axl showed up at your front door, and you invited him in without a second thought.

The second he had entered your home, he gave you a kiss on the lips, while holding your waist.

"God, it felt good to finally do that." he mumbled, holding you close.

You were surprised, but that didn't mean that you didn't enjoy it.

"What brought that on?" you asked.

He laughed. "Y/N, you made me. You were the first person who I met in LA. You were the one that took me in when I had no where to go. You were the one who suggested me to those producers. You were the reason that everything happened the way that it did, and all two years I have been waiting to tell you this, and even kiss you. Today marks that two year date of me coming to LA. And so, now I'll tell you, I want you." he said.

You felt water rush to your eyes.

He planted another soft kiss on your lips.

"Well?" he whispered.

His deep voice sent shivers down your spine.

"Hell yes," you said, kissing him again, bringing your hands up to his perfect jaw line.

"Would you come on tour with us?" he asked as he lead you into your living room, laying on the couch and pulling you to lay on top of him.

"Of course." you said.

He smiled and planted soft kisses all over your face.

"I'm glad that you're finally mine, doll." he said.

"Me too." you laughed.



Okay, my apologies, but I feel like this is horrible xx

To the requestor, I will write you another one if this one wasn't what you were hoping for, and please do not hold back on telling me if  this was all over the place!

I'll do another one any time, so do not hesitate to ask!

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