Rick Allen P2 -@KatieStroud

577 26 3

Two years.

It had been two years since that meeting in the park, and Rick was your boyfriend.

Steve was your best friend.

You would never part from the two.

Over the past two years you had joined them on tours and joined them in concerts, taking the place of a roadie, even.

Sometimes you ran out and got things that the band needed but mainly, you were Steve's girlfriend and you loved him with all of your heart.

Currently, you were standing in a hallway, with a camera, ready to come into the room that the boys were in.

After turning all the settings of the camera to the proper settings needed, you opened the door, snapping a photo blindly.

You had caught Rick in a pair of orange shorts, which had a white stripe on the side of them, and he had a cig in his hand.

He was laughing when you had taken the picture, so you were quite glad and hoped that when you developed the picture later, you would have a wonderful and goofy picture, and maybe the manager would let you share it with the press, to show off the playfulness of the band.

You smiled as he continued to laugh.

"What are you up to?" he asked, calming down.

"Just walking around." you smiled.

He came over to you, and wrapped his arms around your frame, planting a big, sloppy kiss to the side of your head.

You laughed.

"Is that Y/N I hear?!" Steve came bounding into the room, his blonde hair sticking in every which way.

"The one and only." you said, wrapping your arm around Rick's, gently.

He held you to his side with an arm around your shoulder.

"Come here, kid!" he cheered, and you stepped forward, being smothered by the tall frame that Steve had.

After he let go you all engaged in conversation.

"Are you guys ready for the show? You go on in about 5 minutes." you said, looking between the two.

"Hell yeah!" They both cheered.

"Alright!" you clapped.

A man entered the room.

"You guys need to get out there, now." he said, before rushing off to who knows where.

Steve jumped up and down.

"See you out there." he said to us.

He ran out of the room.

"Good luck, Ricky." you said, giving him a big kiss.

"Thanks, Y/N... I love you." he said.

"I love you, too." and with that, he ran out of the room, and you could hear the roar of the crowd from the small room.

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