Alex Turner -@alexyouturnermeonnn

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He was, in a word Perfect.

Well, far from it, but that is what made him perfect.

You loved him.

You knew that.

This boy...

Alexander David Turner, you loved him.

You'd known him for years, though you weren't as close as one would hope.

You had watched him grow, for sure.

He used to be a short haired, shy kid.

As he grew up, he'd gone from happy to sad, to happy again.

He was still the shy boy that you'd known from down the road, and from the third seat up infront of the classroom.

His hair was to his shoulders now, his shyness seeming to be at a peak.

He'd been through heartbreak, but perhaps that's what made each song he sang and each stroke of his guitar so beautiful and delicate.

One of your favorite memories with him was one day, when he was playing the guitar on a bench in a park.

You were with a few friends, and so was he, all of the mingling in one group.

As he played you recognized the tune, and began singing along with him.

You hadn't even noticed that he'd stopped singing, and was simply listening to you.

As he played, you looked at him, and he looked up, smiling a bright smile, that made the world seem a bit brighter.

Your heart raced with each look he gave you.

Each time his hand or side brushed against yours as he walked delicately next to you.

Each time he laughed, or giggled, seeming to lighten any mood.

Each time he hummed, or spoke, his voice coming out much deeper than people expected.

Each time he sang a note, or strummed his guitar.

Each time he told a joke, or smiled.

Each time he asked a question, where genuine curiosity took over his features.

Each time he was around his friends, and they joked about who knew what.

Each time he sat somewhere with a pen and paper, purely focused on it for hours.

Each time he showed passion for something.

Each time he sighed.

Each time he walked along the streets, gazing at nature.

Each time he looked at anyone who he was speaking to, showing his genuine interest.

Each time he was shy and looked down, beginning to play with his fingers.

Each time hair fell into his eyes.

Each time he brushed hair from his face. 

Each time he bit his lip.

Each time he lit a cigarette.

Each time he blew out smoke.

Each time he closed his eyes.

Each time he frowned.

Each time he breathed.

Your mind thought to every interaction that you'd had with him over the years.

Each of those interactions led you to this moment, sitting in a café, surrounded by friends and mutual friends, as Alex made his way onto the stage for open mic night.

His hair shuffled as he sat on the stool, adjusting himself and looking past the light to make eye contact with you, and your group of friends.

"Eh, Hello." he said into the mic, some hair falling in front of his left eye.

He brushed it away quickly, looking around.

"My name is Alex Turner." he said, and cheers could be heard around the room.

"I uh, I wrote this song, and its dedicated to someone who I asked here today," he said, making eye contact with you.

Your breath caught in your throat.

Could it be you?

You looked around at your friends, who were all looking at you, and then you looked back up to him, his eyes still gazing into yours from across the room.

"Anyways, its called, Hiding Tonight."

He began to play, and you couldn't help but get teary eyed.

"I'll probably swim through a few lagoons

I'll have a spring in my step

And I'll get there soon

To sing you a happy tune, tomorrow

And you better bring a change of clothes

So we can sail our laughing pianos along a beam of light

But I'm quite alright

Hiding tonight..."

He finished off the song with those lyrics, and you felt tears slip down your face.

The room clapped and cheered.

"Thank you, everyone." he said.

He climbed off stage, putting his guitar away and making his way over to the table that you were sitting at.

People were still clapping and cheering as they watched him walk across the room.

He set his guitar case down and held his hand out to you, and it felt un real.

You felt more tears run down your cheeks and he pulled you up, immediately pulling you into his chest.

"That was for you." he whispered in your ear.

The room had began to calm down, though people were still cheering.

"Thank you, so much..." you choked out.

He backed you up, and smiled, looking into your eyes.

He wiped some of your tears away and got close to you.

As you stared into one another's eyes, he closed the gap between you, planting his lips on yours and giving you the most loving, tender kiss you'd ever had.

The room began clapping again, and you blushed, pulling away and hiding in his chest.

"I'd be alright, hiding tonight." you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

He giggled as he held tightly onto you.

No one had ever made you happier than Alex in that moment, and you couldn't even believe that it was happening.

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