John Frusciante -@staley_bread

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You walked along the streets, making your way to the local grocer.

You wanted to pick up a few things, since you didn't have plans this weekend, and you wanted to have a little time inside.

With a lot of your friends being musicians and artists, they loved to be outside.

You did too, but you were winding down from the long week that you'd had, and just wanted some snacks.

You shoved your hands in your pockets, continuing your walk.

Upon entering the store, you walked towards the back, intending to buy a few bags of chips, and also some cola.

As you looked up and down the isle, standing in the middle, you gazed upon all of the options that you had.

You bit your lip as you wandered which one you wanted.

Suddenly, you heard a thud, and then two arms wrapped around your waist.

You panicked for a second, letting out a small yelp.

When the arms released you, you spun around to see who it was.

You were greeted with a giggling man with bright red hair, which was partially tied up in a ponytail, but on the sides and in the front, hung out.

You stared at the man for a moment, still confused.

"Y/N, its me!" he laughed.

You took a step closer and squinted, eyeing the man.

Suddenly, when the chocolaty brown eyes met your own, his face came to your memory bank.

"John Anthony Frusciante!" You yelled, trying not to be too loud as you jumped forward and wrapped your arms around your best friend.

He giggled as he hugged you back.

"Some best friend you are, you didn't even recognize me!" He laughed, letting you go.

"Sorry! I didn't recognize you with that hair, which is... Absolutely stunning by the way." you smiled, staring at his hair in awe.

The red definitely made him stand out, and it only added to his already attractive self.

"Thank you!" He said.

"When did you get back from tour?" you asked, still surprised to see your friend after so long.

"Just yesterday." he said, picking up a large bag of flour off of the ground.

"Is that what that thud was? God, scared me half to death." you commented.

"But wow, I'm so glad that you're back." you smiled.

He stared at you for a moment, eyes quickly looking down to your lips, then back to your eyes.

"Me too." he responded.

After a second of silence he shifted.

"So what're you here for?" he asked.

"Snacks. I've been out all week so I figure some relaxing and snacks would do me good." you replied, looking over the chips again.

He nodded.

"What're you gonna do with the flour?" you ask.

"Bake," he shrugged. "Making bread and pastries and stuff is actually pretty nice." he said, giving you a lopsided smile.

"Cool." you smiled back.

"Do- uh... Do you think I could, hang out with you? Tonight? I know you want to relax but maybe we could just hang and catch up?" he asked.

"Sure! Of course." you replied.

He smiled and helped you pick out chips, cola and even some ice cream.

After all was done and paid for, you both walked back to John's apartment, which was on the way to yours.

He dropped off the flour, and then you two made your way to your own home, where you set snacks up on the table, and then browsed channels on your television.

As you both sat there, you scrolled upon MTV which was playing a live concert from a familiar band; Red Hot Chili Peppers.

The boys bounced about on stage, and you saw the Red haired man playing guitar, who was know sitting right next to you.

"Oh no!" he laughed.

"I wanna watch this." you said, hitting his arm playfully.

John watched you rather than the screen, taking in your beauty.

He really did miss you, and he really liked you.

He loved how your face would light up each time that they showed him on the screen.

He loved how you giggled each time one of the band members did something funny.

He especially loved how you danced a little during their song "Yertle the Turtle."

He just simply sat back, smiling at you while you sat forward, focused on the screen.

When it was over, you sat back, your arm touching John's.

"Wow." you said, staring as the credits flew by.

"Did you like it?" he asked hopefully.

"Like it?" you stared, turning your head to look at his, which was only a few inches away.

"I loved it." you smiled.

John bit his lip and then quickly connected his lips to yours.

You kissed back immediately, you'd been waiting for this moment your entire life.

As you continued to kiss, he climbed on top of you, straddling you.

After another minute, you pushed him down onto the couch, laying on top of him as your hands found their way into his hair, tugging at it where the nape of his neck was.

His arms were wrapped around you, one hands firmly on your back, and the other in your hair.

Finally you two parted, and you looked breathlessly into each others eyes.

"I love you." he said, eyes wide.

"I love you, too." you responded, laying your head on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around you as "I Remember You" by Skid Row played gently from MTV on the television.

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