Rick Allen -@KatieStroud

733 31 6

You walked through the park enjoying the day.

After settling on a bench in the corner of the park, a man ran past you.

"Come back here, Steve! Damn it!" A man with blondish brown hair ran after the other man, who had longish blonde hair.

The one who you assumed was Steve had two drumsticks in his hand, laughing as he ran and dangled them teasingly behind him.

"Come get'em Ricky boy!" He shouted, laughing, running all across the field, even wrapping around a few trees to trick his friend.

Suddenly, the man named Steve ran back around, his friend across the field with his hands on his knees, taking a breather.

He ran at you and handed you the sticks. "Hide these!"  He laughed, a huge smile on his face.

You felt confused for a moment, but the friendly look in his eyes made a feeling of joy come over you.

You grabbed them and placed them behind your back, against the seat, so that they wouldn't be visible.

"Thanks, you're a doll!" he laughed as he began running again, keeping a fist to his chest, pretending to still have them.

The other man ran back around, chasing his friend.

After finally capturing him, he turned Steve around, noticing that he didn't have them.

"Where the hell did you put them?!" he asked in disbelief.

He busted out in laughter, his loose white shirt shaking with the motion.

You began to giggle a bit.

Steve made eye contact with you and began to laugh, and the man turned around, spotting your laughing expression, eyes going wide with realization.

He looked at Steve and back to you.

"Run!" Steve shouted.

You got up grabbing the sticks and running, Steve cackling in the background as you ran from this random stranger.

You began to laugh, and then not too long after the chase began, it ended, the man slamming into you, knocking you on the floor.

He landed on top of you and you dropped the sticks to your right, as he held himself up on top of you.

You both began laughing.

You looked to your right, noticing the sticks just out of your reach.

You jerked to the side, knocking the man off you in order to grab the sticks, but he launches back up pinning down your arms.

Your eyes connect with his and he smiles.

As if a switch was flicked in your brain, you felt connected to him.

You felt like you had known this man your whole life.

You knew the feelings that were rushing through you right now, and you were excited for this knew thing to take flight.

"What's your name?" he asks, a breathy tone in his voice.

"Y/N." You smile.

"Rick." he smiled back.

He finally got off you and helped you up.

You stumbled forward and launched into his arms, both of you laughing.

You stood up right and grabbed his sticks.

With a quick smile, you ran back towards Steve, tossing the sticks at him; the chase beginning all over again.

You felt nothing but joy, a genuine feeling that you hadn't felt in a long time.


A/N: Oh my, was this good? I feel like I didn't follow the specifics? Hmm... Let me know what you think!

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