Trent Reznor - @foo_fighters_DCNPT

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You walked along the hallways of your high school, trying to find your locker.

As you looked along, you bumped into someone, to which you dropped all of your books.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, I just, I'm new and I cant find anything and I'm having a bad morning." You said as you fell to your knees, and picked up all your books.

"It's okay..." you heard a boys voice say.

"Here, I'll help you out." He crouched down beside you and you looked at him. You had never seen a boy more beautiful in your life.

After all of your things were picked up, you both stood, and you thanked him.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Now what locker number are you?" he asked.

You showed him your paper, and he led you to the locker.

"Thank you so much." You said placing your things into your locker.

"It's no problem, if I can make someone's day a little nicer then that's fine with me. " he said.

You smiled at him. "What's your name?" you asked him.

"I'm Trent." he said. "What's yours?"

"Y/N." you smiled.

"Y/N... I like that name. C'mon, I can help you find your classes if you'd like." he offered.

"That'd be wonderful, thank you so much." you handed him your schedule, and he showed you were each class was before the bell rang, to which he had to go.

You thought about him all the way until lunch came, and you made your way to the cafeteria.

You didn't know anyone else, so you walked straight through to a back, which led outside. You could see his leather jacket from where you were, and began to walk over to the bleachers, which Trent was sitting on.

He was eating a sandwich, when he looked up and saw you.

"Could I sit with you?" you ask.

"Of course." he smiled. You sat next to him and got out your lunch. You two laughed and joke and spoke until lunch was over, and you felt like you'd known Trent forever. He wanted to be a musician, and he had such big dreams, you had no doubt he could achieve them.

He walked you to your class, and gave you a warm hug before he went off to his own class.

When school was over, you exited your class to find Trent standing outside the door.

His eyes lit up when he saw you.

"Hey, Y/N..." he said.

You both began to walk towards the exit.

"So, did you like your first day?" he asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, thanks to you it was pretty good." you smiled at him.

He smiled back at you and looked down.

As you reached the exit, he looked to you. "Which way do you walk?" he asks.

You pointed in the direction of your house and he nodded, "I live that way too, mind if I walk with you?" he asked.

"No, not at all." you smiled back at him.

You both told stories as you walked, and when you reached your door, he smiled at you.

"I-I know I've just only met you today, but uh... Would you like to... go out? sometime maybe?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

You leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Of course." you smile.

"Cool." he smiled at you.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Of course." you smile.

You both part ways, and for once, you look forward to the days ahead.

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