Izzy Stradlin- @KatieStroud

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You walked down the isle, shaking lightly as you held the flowers in your hand. You stared at Izzy standing at the alter in his cheetah print coat and black outfit.

You were marrying the love of your life. After all these years, all the struggles all of the happy and sad times, through the tours, rehab, leaving the band, Izzy almost dying, he was finally okay and you two were being wed. Finally your life would be somewhat normal and you and Izzy could just be peacefully happy.

He turned around and looked into your eyes, and he smiled lovingly at you.

Once you reached the alter, you handed your flowers to your maid of honor, and the ceremony commenced.

"We are joined here today to witness the-"

You didn't hear him, you were so focused on Izzy.

After a while of him speaking he said, "If you have any vows, you may recite them now."

Izzy turned to you, and took your hands.

"Y/N...You've been with me, longer than anyone. You've supported me for a countless amount of time, and I couldn't be more grateful. When I first joined Guns N' Roses, you stuck with me through all the drunk nights and fights and everything like that, when I was addicted to drugs, and wanted to go into rehab, you consoled me when I quit the band and went into rehab, you supported me every step of the way, and... I don't know where I'd be without you. You're my everything. You mean more to me than life itself, than anything I could ever have or do, you are and always will be, the best thing that ever walked into my life."

"Jeffery Dean Isabel, Ever since I met you, my life has been a long roller coaster ride. I've had countless ups and downs, sleepless nights, and nights of my life. I've never not believed in you or doubted you. I know you can do anything in the world, and I want to always be  by your side. I would be lost without you, a song without rhythm. I know my vows aren't the best, but I just cant put how I feel about you into words. You're my everything, and I always want to be with you, no matter what happens. I just want to live, and I know with you, I can do that."

You saw Izzy's eyes begin to water.

"Jeffery Dean Isabel, do you take this woman as your lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"Till death and beyond. I do." he said.

He slipped the ring onto your finger, and then it was your turn.

"Y/N, do you take this man as your lawful wedded husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"Till death and beyond. I do." you said, the same as Izzy.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

You and Izzy leaned in at the same time, closing your eyes and meeting each others lips.

This kiss felt so much different. There was so much love and passion and you felt a tear run down your cheek.

When you two parted, Izzy wiped away your tear, and picked you up, carrying you out to the car for your honeymoon.

It was like slow motion as everyone threw rice at you, as Izzy carried you down the stairs of the chapel, You looked at him smiling and he looked happier than anything in the world.

Once you both were in the car, Izzy wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you so much Y/N." he whispered, letting tears of happiness fall down his cheeks.

"I love you too, Izzy." you cried as well and you both held each other close for the whole ride.

Finally, you'd both found peace, and could live out your lives as you always wanted;

With Each other.

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