Imagine; Tyson Ritter

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You got out of bed, dread filling you.

Another day... Closer to death.

You thought to yourself.

It was summer, and you moved along like always. You were so unmotivated, and you hated living, but you kept moving along.

Nothing had ever really gone right for you.

You clicked the power button on your phone, as you sat on your couch.

Three Missed Calls from; Tyson.

2 new messages from; Tyson.

1 new voicemail from; Tyson.

Tyson was your best friend. You both loved each other very much, and you were closer to him than anyone else.

You'd been through so much with him, and he'd been there for you for as long as you could remember.

Recently, you'd been losing yourself.

You were careless and for some reason, your mind was doing you in.

You refused to tell Tyson anything.

You didn't want him to worry about you, or know how you've been feeling. It wasn't like he had enough on his plate already with his band and girlfriend.

You'd hardly spoken to or seen Tyson in a few weeks.

You clicked on the texts, reading them first.

'How are you?' sent 12:04 am

'Good morning' sent 6:02 am

You decided that you would respond, but you wanted to listen to the voicemail first.

You pressed play and listened.

There was silence for a few seconds, then his familiar voice rang through your ears.

'Hey, Y/N...' there was a pause. 'I just wanted to see how you were doing, since I haven't seen you or heard from you in a while. I- uh...' another pause. A... A sniffle? 'Just call me when you can.' and then the voicemail ended.

You went back to the text and typed in a response.

'Morning? You don't get up until 1 pm, what's up?'

A few minutes had passed, and a response was received.

'Y/N! Well, I've just been getting up early... recently. Sleep isn't being very generous to me.'

You sighed.

Before you could even ask why, another text came through.

'Can I come over?'

You typed back, 'Sure, when?'

A knock sounded at your door.

"Son of a bitch..." you commented under your breath as you got up.

You opened the door to find a nervous looking Tyson, bouncing as his eyes moved quickly from spot to spot around him.

His dark brown hair had grown out a little bit, and his blue eyes which were usually so full of life seemed to be filled with anxiety. They also looked sad.

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