Josh Klinghoffer -@and-we-turn-green

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You walked around the grassy backstage area of the venue.

You had been looking for Josh everywhere.

He was already on edge today, being a bit twitchier than usual, and after a run in with a huge crowd, Josh had disappeared somewhere.

"Have you seen Josh?" you stopped one of the crew members.

"Uh, no, I've been in the bus all day."

"Okay, thanks anyways." you kept walking.

"Chad!" You called to the tall drummer.

He turned around, spinning a stick in one hand, and drinking a beer with the other.

"Have you seen Josh?" you asked, jogging up to the giant.

"He was in the empty crew tent in the back last time I checked."

"Thank you!" you pat him on the arm before you began the jog to the farthest tent on the end.

As you approached it, you opened the curtain to find Josh curled up in the back on top of some equipment with a kiddish frown on his face.

No one else was in the tent.

He looked over to the tent entrance and curled up a little tighter as his hands fidgeted around.

"Josh," you breathed out, walking over to him quickly.

"I've been looking for you everywhere."

He didn't say anything.

"What are you doing in here?"

He didn't say anything.

You pursed your lips.

"Will you at least come down here? Sound check is soon."

He didn't move.

"Josh," you begged.

"Do you want a hug?" you asked.

He looked in your direction.

He slowly began to slide down the equipment.

When he was on the ground he turned around and walked into your arms.

He hugged you gently but tightly at the same time, and you wrapped your arms around him in a protective manner.

"You're alright." you murmured as you rubbed his back gently.

"You're okay," you said again as he parted.

He looked into your eyes and you smiled, putting your hands on either side of his face.

He smiled gently back at you.

You wanted to murmur a few more words, but instead you pulled his face forward to kiss him.

As your lips met his, his hands lingered around your waist, holding it gently as he kissed back.

When you parted you kissed his nose.

You ran a hand through his hair.

"Alright? I know you're grumpy, but do you think you could hype yourself up for sound check and the show?" you asked.

"Yeah, I can do that." he laughed gently.

You smiled.

You pat his cheek.

"That's my boy."

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