Chris Cornell -@Raindance_Maggie22

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You watched as the interviewer walked on stage.

He began interviewing Chris, who was standing in front of him.

"So you guys just had an amazing performance." the host said.

"Thank you." Chris smiled.

"And we happened to notice, that you kept looking to one particular person, who we have seen you with before in photos. They're in the crowd tonight, yeah?" he asked.

Before Chris could say anything the man continued.

"A certain, Y/N. Sitting in the front row. Perhaps there's some chemistry happening here?" he asked.

You felt a blush rise to your cheeks, and Chris looked at you from the stage, cheeks turning a bright shade of pink as he answered and looked down, a piece of hair falling in front of his blush covered face.

"Yeah, actually." he replied.

You observed his being.

Slightly sweaty, hair soaked through, blush on his cheeks and his eyes under the light looking more green than blue.

You were quite fascinated.

"Yeah?" the man asked, a smile brightening on his face.

"Well, we also happen to know that you wanted to make a little announcement." he said.

You turn your head to the side ever so slightly, curious.

"Yeah, actually." he said, pushing his hair back.

"We're going on tour, starting in a few weeks, and uh..." he paused for the applause and screams of the audience to die down.

"Yeah," he began again as it grew quiet. "I also want Y/N to come with us, and I want Y/N to agree to go out with me, if its all the same." he said, glancing over at you again.

You covered your mouth with your hand.

"Holy shit," you mumbled to yourself.

"Could we get Y/N up here?" the man asked one of the guards.

The guard walked up to Chris, who pointed at you, and then he made his way down to your seat, grabbing your arm lightly and bringing you up safely on stage.

You stood next to Chris.

"So?" the man asked.

You were on the verge of tears.

Chris looked at you, hope filling his changing eyes.

"What do you say to those?" the man asked, sticking the microphone in your face.

"I say yes to both." you let out quickly.

Chris smiles and glances between your eyes, then he tackles you in a hug.

"Awwwhhhh, come on everyone, awwwh." the man said, urging the crowd to make an Awwh noise.

They did such and the awwhs turned into screams as Chris parted from you, grabbed your face, and pushed his lips against your own.

You kissed back quickly, smiling into it.

You're going to see the world and you're going to do it with someone who you love.

Double score.

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