Rick Savage -@bornin99stuckin1980

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You sat on a swing in the park.

You kicked the wood chips with your high top chucks.

Why did they have wood chips in a kids park anyway? You thought to yourself.

You sat there for a good ten minutes, then someone came over, standing next to the swing next to you.

"Seat taken?" he asked. You looked up and gave him the best smile that you could muster.

"Hey, Rickie." you said as he sat down.

He swung up and down, actually getting pretty high.

He got to a certain point and jumped off, just barely sticking the landing.

You looked down, letting a small smile sit on your lips as you kicked the chips again.

After a moment, Rick crawled over to you, sitting on his knees as he lifted your chin with his finger, ducking his own head to make eye contact with you.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked.

You lowered your head a bit more and your hair fell in front of your face.

He used his hands to put your hair behind your ears.

He then took your hands in his.

"Come on then, tell me what's wrong." he stated.

"I dunno..." you murmured.

"I just feel like there's nothing here. Nothing here to do." you said.

"Sweetheart," he laughed. "You're bored."

You stared at him for a moment and he chuckled again.

"There's plenty to do. But you want more." he said.

"I don't know what I want." you raised your eyebrows.

He stared at you for a moment.

"Let me take you out tonight." he said.

"Why? Where?" you questioned.

"Why not? There's a bar across town, my band is playing. I want you to come and see us. We'll show you a good time." he explained.

You bit your lip.

"Okay, fine." you said, looking into his hopeful eyes.

"Yes!" he cheered.

He pushed himself up and kissed your lips, and you were surprised as he did so.

He backed up and grabbed your chin.

"Pick you up here, at 8." he smiled, walking away as if nothing had happened.

You watched his hair bounce as he walked away, and you touched your lips.

Had he really just kissed you, or were you dreaming?

You were in a daze as you walked home, changing into good clothing and going back to the park.

8 O'clock came quickly enough and soon you could see Rick, making his way towards you in a zebra striped shirt.

"You look perfect." he smiled.

"As do you." you laughed.

He threw his arm around you and you walked and talked all the way to the venue.

Once there, he left you, telling you to stay close to the stage so that he could see you, and you watched his band play.

When they were done, he ran off, and ran straight into your arms, ignoring the girls who chased him down, who instantly let out distressed screams at the sight of him connecting his lips to yours.

You were surprised again, but kissed him back this time, grabbing his shirt to keep him in place.

He slung an arm over your shoulder and stayed there for a minute before backing up.

"Well, I certainly don't feel bored." you said, panting.

He just smiled, laughed, and kissed you again.

Perhaps this town did hold more for you, after all.

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