Imagine; Serge Pizzorno

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No one requested this, I haven't any requests! I just wanted to write about Serge xx


You stood with Tom and Serge from Kasabian on the set for their music video, "Eez-eh".

You thought it were a good song, and you quite enjoyed it.

"Excited?" you ask Tom.

"Oh hell yeah!" He exclaimed.

You laugh and look over to Serge, who hadn't responded.

"Yeah." he nods lightly, avoiding eye contact with you.

"He's shy." Tom pokes fun at Serge.

You were well aware how shy Serge was, and it was one of the most adorable things in the world, but you just wanted to look into his eyes.

"Quit being so Coy, Pizzorno!" You laughed, hitting him lightly.

He laughed, as a small rouge rose upon his cheeks.

After some more small chat, they were finally called for shooting, and Serge's shyness seemed to have disappeared.

Music gave him so much confidence, you'd never guess that he was shy whatsoever.

You couldn't help but keep your eyes on him from where you stood.

You looked at Tom and the other members every once in a while, but you mainly focused on Serge.

After the shoot, they all walked off, cheering and high fiving each other, excited to have gotten the video done so quickly, as well as with enjoying it so much.

"Y/N?" Serge called you over.

"You guys did amazing! What's up?" You commented, walking over.

Serge looked over at Tom, who nodded at him with a firm face.

You looked between the two of them in suspicion before You set your eyes on Serge, him doing the same to you, looking straight into your eyes, something you longed for.

"Follow me, please." he said.

You followed the tall man into another room, which you assumed was the dressing room, and he closed the door lightly.

You stood mid-room curiously gazing over at him.

He scratched the back of his neck as he looked to the side.

"What's wrong?" you asked suddenly, wondering if this was bad?

"Eh, nothing." he responded, taking a seat on the couch and motioning for you to do the same, right next to him.

You sat and he looked down once more.

"W-wh-" You were cut off but his lips quickly meeting yours and then retracting.

You sat there shocked for a moment.

"Sorry, you can go now if you want." he stated, sounding a tad guilty.

You looked at him as if he was hysterical, and placed your hand on the other side of his face, to make him look at you.

He looked into your eyes, and you felt time stop for a moment.

You always thought that feeling only happened in Fanfiction.

But now you knew what it really meant.

You connected your lips back to his, and smiled; Partly from the fact that you were kissing someone who you loved, but also partly because his beard tickled against your face.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" Serge asked when you'd parted.

"I thought you'd never ask." you responded, placing your lips on his once more.

"YES! FINALLY! AH OH MY GOD ! HA!" Tom bursted into the room cheering like a young child.

"God, I was just waiting for the moment you two got together, Jesus."

You and Serge laughed at the excited man in front of you.

Finally, you could be happy.



Okay so no one has requested anything lately, and I just thought I'd get something posted out there. :) Happy Valentine's Day xx

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