Krist Novoselic - @systemofaswain

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"Okay now play the scales I just showed you."

You attempted to play the scales that your friend Krist was showing you.

You messed up almost immediately.

"God damn it, I cant do this Krist!!" You shouted in frustration. You tossed the bass on your bed and brought your knees up to your chest.

"Shit, I can hardly even hold the damn thing!" You shouted, pointing at your bass.

You brought your hands to your face.

""Awwh, Y/N, Don't be upset because you're short." Krist said, getting up from the stool and sitting next to you.

You punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouch!" He exclaimed as he held his arm, feigning hurt.

"I cant fucking do it Krist. t's not funny. I cant fucking do anything." You were so fed up. You'd been at this all day, and you kept messing up.

"Hey..." Krist's voice became low and comforting.

He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his chest.

"Listen, you're just a beginner. You're gonna mess up a lot, but the more you mess up, the more you learn, and then eventually you'll get it. You gotta keep trying." he said.

You picked up your bass again, without saying a word, and began to try and play.

You got your fingers on the wrong frets, and when you strummed it sounded awful. You got upset.

"God damn it!"

"Here," Krist moved closer to you, and wrapped his arms around you.

He placed his warm hands over yours and moved them into the correct places, and making your hand strum.

It was finally the correct note, and then he showed you how to move your fingers to get to the next note, and how to transition.

You felt a slight pink blush come to your cheeks, and you turned your head to face his.

Your eyes made contact and for a few seconds, all you did was stare into each others eyes.

It was almost as if the room had disappeared, and there was no one in the world except you two.

You could hear his breath, and you could hear your own heart beat, as you stared into his beautiful eyes.

Your mouth fell open a tad, and your eyes fell to his lips.

When you brought them back up to his eyes, you were surprised to see that his eyes had also dropped to your lips.

Suddenly, he leaned in a bit, paused , took a deep breath, and continued to lean in.

You leaned in as well and soon you felt his warm, soft lips on yours.

You turned more towards him to deepen the kiss, when the bass began to slide off your lap.

You both inhaled and suddenly shot your arm out to catch it before it hit the floor.

As you both caught it, you by the base and Krist by the neck, you both began laughing.

He placed the bass on the bed in back of you, and you looked at him again.

He took your hand softly, and looked at it as he spoke nervously.

"Y/N? You know you're my best friend right?"


"Uhm... Have you ever considered... I dunno... Maybe being more? T-than friends? Like, would you consider? Dating me?"

You squeezed his hand for reassurance. "Of course." you said.

He looked up at you quickly in surprise.

"R-really?" he asked with excitement.

"Yes! Krist, Yes!"

He sighed in relief and kissed you again.

"Thank god for that."

You laughed as he laid back on your bed, and you laid back with him, resting on his chest.

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