Tre Cool -@ieatworms2

872 23 2

Just a quick note, we hit 100 one shots with the last one, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Also, you don't have to play the song but it relates to the topic of this imagine so it would be good to start it now!


"Tre?" you called out.

No response.

"Tre?" you called out a bit louder.

"Busy!" he replied.

Suddenly you heard loud drumming and then some more silence.

You sat on your couch thinking about how Tre never had tome for you.

He could one hundred percent make time and you knew he could, since he only just spent 100% of his time hanging with the boys and their families, and completely ignoring you.

You walked into his room seeing him on the phone.

"Yeah! Ha-ha, alright Billie. Yeah, tell Adrianne its just going to be me. Yeah, I can pick up Mike. Sure. Alright, bye." he said into the phone.

He finally looked up and at you.

"Hi." he said, getting up and polishing up his kit.

"Could you fit me into a time slot anywhere?" you asked.

"I have something to go to, I'm sorry." he replied nonchalantly.

You walked away.

You stopped mid-hallway and turned around, marching back into the room.

"You know what? You're never there for me anymore. Not even a little bit. You never listen to me, all you do is go out with Mike and Billie and you see them all the time anyways, but I feel like you may as well be on tour 24/7 since it feels like you're never here!" you state loudly to him.

He stands up straight and looks at you, giving you a 'are you kidding me' look.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" he said.

"See, there you go, not listening to me again. I just told you!" you say loudly again.

"I don't appreciate this sudden horrible attitude that you have! I really don't get what's going on here!" He said promptly.

"I have so much that I want to tell you, but I cant! I feel like I don't even know you anymore! I'm sick of being ignored!" you replied.

"If you have something to tell me THAN TELL ME!" he shouted.

"Oh but you're just too busy! Busy, busy!"

"Just fucking tell me, Y/N!" he said, running a hand through his hair.

You sighed, trying to calm yourself down.

"(Important person's name) died in a car crash a few days ago." you said.

Immediately you felt the energy in the room change.

"I would have told you the day it happened, but you're so busy. I just want the old Tre back... The wacky personality of the one with Red hair, that would smile and do sill things. Not the serious one whose never home." you said, a tear running down your cheek as you left the room in a hurry.

About an hour later, after you were done crying, you were sitting in the bathroom with your back against the door, giving yourself some time to breathe.

You heard a soft knock on the door, and you were surprised at your own voice as you croaked, "what?"

"...Are you okay?" Tre's voice rang out.

"No..." you responded.

There was a pause.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

You finally opened the door, and Tre was sitting in front of it.

He scooted forward, and sat next to you.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"For earlier, and all the time I've spent ignoring you. I'm just a little stressed." he said.

"A-and I know that's no excuse." he said.

"Stressed about what?" you asked.

"Just stuff." he said, feeling the velvet box in his pocket.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked.

"Yeah... I guess..." you responded.

"I'll make it up to you, I swear/" he smiled, leaning in and planting a soft kiss on your puffy cheek.

You believed him.



Oh lord, was this good? My listening of music sort of took this one-shot another way than I originally had planned. I hope it wasn't bad!

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