Nikki Sixx -@mille2401

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You walked into the bar, already spotting the drunk blonde standing on the table while he sang and danced.

Oh yeah, that was Vince.

He stumbled a bit then his eyes met yours. "Y/N!" he slurred, jumping off the table.

He would have fallen had it not been for the patrons watching him, ready to catch him if he fell.

He stumbled over to you and you laughed.

'Someone started early.' you thought.

"What's up, Vince?" you let out, embracing the drunk man as he hugged you.

"Ah, its so good to see you, I haven't seen you in..." he tried to count on his fingers.

"4 hours, Vince. You haven't seen me in four hours."

"REally?!" his eyes widened and he looked at you.

"Yup." you laughed.

"Shit, that's so long..."

"ANYWAYS!" He shouted, slinging an arm around your shoulder and dragging you to the table that the Crue was sitting at.

Mick stood up, pushing the drunk Vince off of you and giving you a hug as he took the cig out of his mouth.

He was always pretty quiet.

You had no reason to believe that tonight would be any different.

He sat back down and just then, Tommy showed up with Nikki and John.

They all had fresh glasses of alcohol in their hands, and you were itching to get one, yourself.

"Y/N! What's up, babe?" Tommy smiled, throwing an arm over you as he shoved a glass of liquid in your hands.

"What's up, Tommy." you responded, hugging him lightly as you sniffed the glass.

You took a sip and it burned slightly as it slid down your throat, setting your belly ablaze.

"That's the good shit." you mumbled.

"You can say that again." John held up his glass before downing it.

Tommy turned around to Vince who was trying to climb back onto another table.

He set his drink down and moved away from you, leaving your shoulder rather bare.

He went to go grab the crazy Vince and you looked up at Nikki, a shy smile on your lips.

He smiled gently at you, turning away and sitting down.

You moved and sat next to him, sipping further from your glass.

He sat there frozen for a moment.

Then, he turned to you, looking like he was about to say something but he stopped himself.

"You know, each time I see you, I wonder if your hair can get any bigger." you joke.

He looked totally stumped for a moment.

Then, he busted up laughing.

He touched his own hair and smiled brightly at you.

"Fuck, that was a good one." he said.

You smiled, knowing that now you had broke the ice between you and the man who liked you.

You liked him as well, but it was never really said in words.

After drinking for a while and watching everyone do random things and stupid things across the bar, Nikki turned to you.


He interrupted you by pressing his lips sloppily to yours.

You felt sober in that moment; as if his lips had sucked the alcohol right out of your body.

You grabbed his jacket, pulling him close as his hands went to your waist, squeezing it lightly.

When you'd parted for air he spoke.

"Fuck, I've been wanting to do that for a whi-"

"Save it for the story." you mumbled, pressing your lips heatedly to his.

'I should get drunk with the Crue more often...' you thought to yourself.

'I like it.'

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