Sebastian Bach -@pinkledfloydzeppelin

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A/N: Hey guys, now this is a Y/N book but this particular person wanted their name in it as a preference, so if you want to, just insert your own name there anyways, but it will have a name. (The name is Atalie)


You crossed your arms as you stared at Sebastian.

You were sitting next to Rachel, watching Sebastian get his photos taken.

You shook your head, with our eyebrows knitted together.

Rachel moved his hair from his face and adjusted his chain, making sure that it was secure.

"God, that's not fair." you mumbled.

"What?" Rachel said, looking at you.

"That he's so gorgeous. Like, what the fuck?"

"He's just good looking." Rachel laughed. "He looks normal to me."

"Shut up, Rach! You're attractive too! It's not fair."

"How is it not fair?"

"It's just not!"

"What's not?"

You and Rachel looked up to see Sebastian standing in front of you both.

"Rach, you're up."  he motioned to his best friend.

Rachel pat you on the arm and walked away.

Sebastian quickly took his spot.

"Hey, Atalie. What were you two talkin' about?"

You scrunched up your nose.

"You're gorgeous."

Sebastian's eyes opened wide.

"Thanks." he said with a smile.

"You're welcome, but that's what we were talking about."

"Oh really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I said that its not fair."

"Not fair- that I'm attractive?" he asked, slightly confused, but a smile playing on his lips.

"Yes." you frowned.

"Awwh, come on, I cant compare to you." He nudged you, a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah right! Rachel is hotter than I am!"

"No he aint!"

"Yes he is!"

"He's ugly!"

"Who are you callin' ugly?" Rachel shouted as he reappeared.

You pointed to Sebastian quickly.

"He said it, not me!"

"I did no such thing!" Sebastian laughed.

You turned a light pink.

"I swear it was him!" you said.

"Atalie, you're getting flustered!" Rachel began to laugh.

"No, I'm not!" you felt more heat rise to your cheeks.

"Bach, look, she's gone red." Rachel laughed to Sebastian.

You tried covering your face.

You stood up.

"Stop! Oh my god!"

Rachel sat down as he continued to laugh and move his hair around.

"You're both horrible!"

Sebastian stood up quickly and launched at you, grabbing your hands away from your face and kissing you quickly.

When he parted, you screamed and covered your face.

You heard him laugh majorly.

Rachel was howling.

"You suck!" you shouted.

Sebastian just pulled you into a hug as he laughed.

Hey, you got to kiss the man you loved.

That was something.


A/N: I hope this isn't bad oh my lord.

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