Andy Rourke -@CombatRocker

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You walked into the room to find Andy sitting on a chair, smoking a fag. (Fag=Cigarette)

He looks like he is in deep thought, and you stare at him and his thoughtful expression.

He lets out a puff of smoke and then he looks up to you.

"Hey..." you say softly.

"Hey." he responds in the same tone.

He swallows and he looks down.

You walk over and sit in the chair next to him, moving the cup on it to the ground.

"What are you thinking about?" you ask.

He keeps his head hung low.

"We're done for." he says.

Instantly, you thought he was talking about you and him.

Of course, Andy was aware of how he said that, and how it may have sounded to you, so he turns his gaze to you ever so slightly and says, "The band."

For a moment a wave of relief hits you, but then your eyes grow wide at the news.

You move over, right next to him and place a hand on his thigh.

"Why would you think that?" you ask, concerned. Andy put his heart and soul into this band. If it was over then, what would he do?

"Marr and the other boys had a fallout and I don't think there's any comin' back from this one." he says.

"Andy..." you say, small tears rising to your eyes.

It really hurt you to see him so quiet and upset, even if he doesn't say much, his whole energy and aura is amazingly sad.

"What am I going to do Y/N?" he finally said.

You put your hands on either side of his face and placed his forehead to yours.

"Andy, no matter what happens to the band, you have me. You'll find something, you're so talented and such an amazing person."

He leant in and connected his lips to yours softly. It felt like a sorrowful kiss, but he knew you loved him, and you knew he loved you.

When you both parted, you looked into his beautiful eyes and said; "Everything will be okay."

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