Jonathan Davis (JD) -@MrCheifOfStaff

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You loved JD. He was one of your most favorite people in the whole entirety of the world.

There was a bit of a party going on at his pad.

It was nothing big, just quite a few friends and musicians.

You walked around, talking to people here and there, and you even ran into Phil Anselmo.

You had a great time talking to him, because he was actually quite funny, though he was a bit gruff from his years in the business.

After your chat with him, you were walking around, and noticed that you hadn't seen JD in a few hours.

You walked throughout the backyard, and the kitchen, the halls and the rooms, not finding him anywhere.

You walked back into the living room, spotting Brian Welch on the couch.

You took a glance at him and his dreads, and then made your way over.

"Brian," you called, touching his shoulder.

He looked up and smiled. "Sup, Y/N?" he asked.

"Have you seen JD anywhere? I've just searched the whole house for him." you explained.

He looked to be in thought for a moment before shaking his head, "I haven't seen him, sorry." he said.

"Ah, its no problem. Thanks." you smiled, walking away.

As you were making your way out to the backyard again, you ran into someone.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry." you said, looking up.

The man turned around and it was James Shaffer, and he smiled down at you.

"It's alright, Y/N. Why you lookin' so troubled?" he asked.

"I cant find JD anywhere." your face contorted.

"Mm, Think I saw him wandering out the front." he said.

"Really? Thanks, James." you said.

"No problem." he said, patting you on the shoulder as you turned to walk away.

You walked out the front door, and wandered a bit down the road, to the park that was there.

There he was.

Sitting on a tree log, staring out at nothing with a notebook and a pencil next to him.

You slowly approached him, and when you got to him, you called out softly.

"Hey stranger." you said.

JD didn't move.

You got a little closer.

"You alright?" you asked.

"I'm drunk." he said, turning to you, then back to his invisible point of fixation.

"Isnt that a good thing in this rock world?" you ask.

"This isn't the good drunk." he frowned.

"What do you mean?" you ask, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm thinking too much." he said.

"About what?" you ask.

"Everything." he said.

You nodded, a bit confused, yet at the same time, understanding what he means.

It's not like he has had the easiest life, though he is practically rich.

Money doesn't mean happiness.

He turned his head to you.

You looked down at him, offering a small smile.

Then, he reached his arms out, wrapping them around your waist and pulling you to him in a hug, as he rested his face against your stomach.

You rubbed his back.

"How about this, I'll stay out here with you until you're done thinking, and then we can go back home and just lay down and sleep." you offer.

He parts from you a bit.

"Sounds good to me." he mumbled, pulling your face down to meet his, as he pressed his lips against yours.

You smiled into the kiss.

When you broke away, you sat down next to him, very close.

You threw one arm around his shoulders and one hand came up to tap on his piercings in his eyebrow.

You stopped and laid your head on his shoulder.

"Why are there so many dog breeds?" he asked.

You laughed, shaking your head at the drunk man that you indeed loved very much.

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