107. granny goodness

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     Using: Sorority Noise

I quietly swing into the house through the kitchen window. I land in a crouched position with one hand on the floor. I now stand up and see that it's starting to rain. I close the window and I hear it lock before I look at the cuts on my knuckles from taking down the gang of bank robbers a few miles from me. I clench my jaw before taking out my phone. I go into my saved voicemails and click on the one from Dominic.

"Brianna, I know things have been...difficult lately, and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since you were a little girl...you've been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man: those things send us down a road. They make us...who we are. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you. You owe the world your gifts. You just have to figure out how to use them. And know that wherever they take you...we'll always be here. So come on home, Bri. You're my hero. And I love you. I love you so much, mija."

The voicemail ends and I pull the case off my phone, now taking out the letter he wrote to me when I found the check for a million dollars. I open the letter and I start reading it for the hundredth time. I clench my jaw harder and my eyes start to water.

I crumble it up with one hand, now making a fist around the paper. I stare out the window for a few seconds before I harshly hit the drainboard beside me. Everything clatters loudly and I shoot a web, stopping a vase from falling by pulling it towards me, now gripping it with one hand.

"Nice save." I hear Clark say from behind me and I tense up.

"I try." I set the vase back.

"And you succeed." I feel his hands on my waist and I clench my jaw again. "Couldn't sleep?"

"Still taking it all in." I nod. "I was going to the bathroom and I heard the sirens. A couple of bank robbers. Few were injured, no deaths, thankfully." I start washing my hands, watching the red water go down the drain. "But you knew that." I turn off the faucet and dry my hands with the towel.

"I'll always know where you are. No matter the distance."

"Likewise." I finally turn around to face him. I now walk towards the fridge and pull my hood off my head. I grab an icepack from the freezer and I place it on my collar bone, then wincing.

"What is that?" Clark looks at the crumbled up paper on the floor.

"A pathetic attempt at an apology. But that's just my take on it. Why don't you give it a shot?" I suggest and he picks up the paper, now reading the letter.

"How long have you had this?"

"My first year of college. The check was inside the envelope. Guess he knew himself that he wouldn't last long." I take the paper from him and turn.

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