Chapter 124

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Narrator pov

Kieran and Juliana got to working on cooking.


Juliana pov

I was making pasta curry.

"Mmm, it smells delicious"

"I know"

"What kind of curry are you making?"

"I'm making pasta curry, it's one of my favorites"

"Sounds good, can my pokemon have some too?"

"Of course" I nodded.

After a while, we were both done cooking.

I called out my pokemon and made them a plate of curry and made plates for Kieran's pokemon too.

Kieran took a scoop of curry and when he took a bite, his eyes widened.


"Do it?" I ask nervously.

"I...LOVE IT!"

I laughed at his excitement.

"I'm glad"

"This is so good, where did you get the recipe?"

"From Galar"

"You've been to the Galar Region?" he asks in surprise.

"Actually, I was born in Galar"


"Yep" I nodded.

"Wowzers, so I assume you don't live there anymore right?"

"Yeah, I had to move to Paldea to live with my mom"

"Are your parents not together?"

"No, they divorced when I was six"

His eyes widened.

"Oh...uh, sorry I didn't mean to intrude" he panicked.

"No no, it's okay" I assured him with a smile.

"If I ask a personal question let me know cause I don't want to be a nosy person"

"Kieran, like I just said it's fine"

"So, how long have you've been living in Paldea?"

"Well...I haven't lived there for a year yet, that's all I can say" I chuckled nervously.

"Oh, that's okay but it must've been hard for you to leave Galar huh?"

"Oh it was, especially leaving all my old friends"

"You're friends?"

"Yeah, I grew up with three childhood friends in Galar"


"Uh huh, here want to set a picture of them?"

"Um...sure, if you don't mind"

I took out my phone and found a picture of me with Hop and the twins.

"These are my childhood friends Hop, Victor and Gloria"

"Oh...and...are you still in contact with them?"

"Yes I am, I actually got to see them not long ago, they've surprised me by coming to Paldea without me knowing, only my mom knew"

"Wowzers, that is a surprise" he gasped.

I giggled.

"What was more amazing was I got to introduce them to all my friends from school and now we're all friends" I say happily.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now