Chapter 140

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Juliana pov

When I got to the entrance, I saw an unknown man, so I assume he was the director from the Blueberry Academy.

When I got to the entrance, I saw an unknown man, so I assume he was the director from the Blueberry Academy

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I went over to him.

"Well, who do we have here?" the man asks while looking at me.

Before I could reply, he cut me off.

"Oh wait I know, I've seen your face somewhere before...uh...who were you again?"

" name's Juliana"

His eyes widened.

"Oooh that's right, you're Juliana, yes yes I know you"

"You do?"

"Of course, now that you're here, let's get going"

"Wait just a moment, director Cyrano"

We saw Mr Clavell walking over to us.

"Oh hello there Velly, you're as lively as always, didn't realize you were here"

"Did he just call Mr Clavell Velly?" I ask myself.

"Of course I'm here, as director of this academy, where else would I be?"

"And do address me more properly while students are present would you?" Mr Clavell added.

"So I guess he really did call Mr Clavell Velly"

"Sorry, that always slips out of my mind" he chuckled.

"Anyway, what's it matter, this is the student right?" Mr Cyrano asks while looking at me.

"Well, yes...she is, but..."

"Mr Clavell, is something wrong?"

"I do apologize miss Juliana, in case you didn't realize, this is director Cyrano of Blueberry Academy" Mr Clavell introduced.

"I see"

"As I mentioned on the phone last week, he's interested in accepting you as an exchange student"

"Yep, that's me, director I not mention that?"


"One look at our young friend here makes me suspect you indeed failed to clarify that point, speaking of which...why did you request miss Juliana, specifically to take part in your exchange program?" Mr Clavell asks.

"Excellent question Velly, it's very simple, you see th reason is...uh hm, why did I put in that request?" he questioned with a thinking expression.

"Wow, he sure is forgetful" I thought to myself.

Then he gasped with his eyes widened.

"Oh that's right, the school trip to Kitakami, Juliana met some of my students there didn't she?"

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