Chapter 151

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Juliana pov

Espeon and Dachsbun growled even more when he got close to us.

"Took you a while to beat the Elite Four, kind of slow for you isn't it?" Kieran questioned with a glare.

I just looked away, I felt hurt by his words. I wish he was back to his old self but we all know that's not gonna happen.

"Nice Kieran, you've really got Juliana on the brain huh?"

"I could say the same thing about you Drayton"

"You should be nicer to Juliana" I felt Drayton's arm around my shoulders, I wish it was Arven's arm.

"You are putting a lot of effort into helping Juliana out"

"Well two reasons, one who wouldn't help out a new student, gotta be good to our fellow humans and two, she's my friend so I'm just looking out for her"

"That's rich coming from you"

"At least he's been a friend to me and helping me out, unlike you Kieran, you've turned into someone that really angers me, and not only that, but I'm pretty disappointed on how you've been treating a lot of people at your school and for how you've been treating your sister, and I don't know how you've been treating your pokemon but I feel sorry for them as well" I say in anger with a huge glare on my face.

"And guess what...I will be facing you since you are the champion but...unlike you, I'm gonna have fun and show you that me and my team have gotten a lot stronger then the last time you saw us, so why don't you go away and leave us alone"



Espeon and Dachsbun say angrily.

"Well...I'll just see how strong you've gotten, we'll see who's the strongest either you or me once and for all, be ready for our battle tomorrow"

After that, he walked off.

"You okay bud?" Drayton asks in concern.

"Yeah, sorry about that"

"It's okay, so tomorrow will finally be the time, I'm pumped for you, and we'll need to get you signed up at the front desk in order to get the championship match going"


"Well, see ya tomorrow"

"Bye Drayton and thank you"


Narrator pov

Juliana was back in her dorm room and was face chatting with Arven, she was telling him about what happened today.


Juliana pov

"Wow cutie, I knew you would be able to defeat those elite four members without any issues" Arven grinned.

"Yeah and tomorrow is the championship match"

"Right, so has Kieran bothered you anymore today?"

"Yeah, after my match with Lacey, he showed up a little bit after Drayton did"

"Did he say more mean things to you?"

I told Arven everything.

"Man, he's so impatient"

"I know"

"Well, tomorrow is gonna be a chance for you to kick his butt"


"I know you'll defeat him, even though I've never seen his battle style, he's a loser"

"I wish you and the others can watch me"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now