Chapter 153

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Narrator pov

The next day, Juliana got up extra early and after she healed up her pokemon, she was on her way to the academy's entrance. She saw that Ms Briar, Carmine and Kieran waiting for her.


Juliana pov

"Good morning Juliana" Ms Briar greeted.

"Good morning ma'am, hi Carmine"

"Hey Juliana"

"Are you ready to travel to Area Zero?" Ms Briar asks.

"Yes, I'm ready" I nodded.

"Splendid, we're finally ready to set off then"

"Are you two feeling all right and well enough to travel?" Ms Briar asks Carmine and Kieran.

"Well, I'm...I'm fine" Carmine answered in hesitation.

She glanced over at Kieran who had his back facing us.

"Yeah, me too"

He turned around and walked over to us.

"I've had time to calm down"

"Well, that's good" Carmine smiled a little.

"I'm fine...I know what I have to do now, I'll find this legendary pokemon in Area matter what it takes" Kieran says in determination.

"That's the spirit Kieran" Ms Briar says proudly.

"I'm ready to get this over with" I thought to myself.

"All right then, shall we?"

We all nodded.


Narrator pov

They headed to the airport and rode a plane that would fly them to Paldea. After arriving to the Paldea Region, they walked a long way and they finally arrived to Area Zero.


Juliana pov

Ms Briar, Carmine and Kieran looked around in amazement.

The three of them were looking down from the fence that was blocking the edge of the cliff.

"We made it...I-I'm finally here...Area Zero, the place I've dreamed about for years" Ms Briar exclaimed.

"Whoa...this is incredible" Carmine gasped.

"Wowzers" Kieran gasped.

He covered his mouth and that made Carmine giggle, he looked away from her.

"Uh...Juliana, you've been here before right?" Kieran asks.

I just looked away from him with my arms crossed, I'm not talking to him.

"Juliana, have you been here before?" Carmine asks.

I looked at Carmine and nodded.

"Yes I have, with my friends and boyfriend"

"I see"

Then out of nowhere, Miraidon came out of his pokeball and startled both Carmine and Kieran.


"Eeek, you scared me"

"Sorry about that Carmine"

"Honestly, you're too big to come popping out like that, er...whatchama-don"

"Uhh Carmine, his name is Miraidon" I giggled.


"So you came here with Juliana back then too huh?" Kieran asks him.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now