Chapter 178

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Narrator pov

After Juliana asked everyone there opinions, the homemade chicken parmesan was the winner so Juliana was back at her dorm room getting to work on it.


Juliana pov

I just got done making the chicken parmesan and after putting it in the oven. I got forks, plates and napkins out and began to place them on the table.

*Knock Knock*


I hurried to the door and saw Arven with some cans of soda's.

"Hi cutie"

"Hi handsome, thanks for bringing some drinks"

We gave each other a kiss and Arven put the drinks on the counter.

"It smells good in here"

"I just put the chicken parmesan in the oven, it'll be done soon...I hope it comes out good since this is my first time making it"

"I'm sure it's delicious cutie...I see no one else has arrived yet"

"I'm sure they'll be here soon"

"While we about we have some early dessert" Arven suggested.

"Dessert?" I repeated in confusion.

To my surprise, Arven came up to me and gently took my chin and our lips touched again. Now I see what he means by dessert so I started to kiss him back with my arms wrapped around his neck.

We started to make our way towards my bed and Arven gently pushed me down and got on top of me while we still made out.

Then Arven started to kiss my cheek, to jaw, then neck. Before we could do more, we were startled by the sound of knocking.

"Oh, that must be the others"

"Aww, they came at a bad time" Arven pouted.

" least we had our dessert" I winked.


I went over to the door and saw everyone.

"Hi guys"

"Hey Juliana, thanks again for inviting us to dinner"

"It's my pleasure Lacey"

"Ooooooooooooo, I can smell the chicken parmesan, it smells delicious" Crispin licked his lips.

"I can't wait to try it" Nemona grinned.

"It won't be long until it's done so while we wait, we should wash our hands"

"Good idea Juliana" Kieran nodded.

Everyone washed their hands while talking to one another. Then took a seat at the table.

"Man, I'm so hungry" Drayton rubbed his stomach.

"Patience toothpaste head"

"Anyway, Juliana didn't you mention about us doing a fun activity after dinner?" Penny asks.

A fun activity, what is it?" Amarys asks.

"Well, before I tell you, I have a question for all of you...have any of you ever made sugar cookies?"

"I haven't" Nemona answered.

"Neither have I" both Penny and Kieran answered.

"I tried before but they got burnt" Carmine answered.

"Cooking is not my thing, but eating is" Drayton answered.

"I never made sweets before" Crispin explained.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now