Chapter 129

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Juliana pov

I looked up the Crystal Pool on my map and when I found where it was at, I was on my way.


Narrator pov

It was quite a long trip and finally when Juliana made it to the Crystal Pool. She saw that Carmine was already there.


Juliana pov

"Thanks for the ride Miraidon"

After licking me on the cheek, I returned him back to his pokeball.

I was amazed to see how beautiful the Crystal Pool was.

"There you are Juliana"

I glanced at Carmine and walked over to her.

"Get a load of this view" she gestured to the sight.

"Wow, I've never seen anything like this"

"Bet you didn't expect it to be so pretty huh?"

"Pretty is not the word, it's beautiful"

"If you look closely, you can see the crystals in the water"

"Oh yeah I see them, amazing" I gasped.

"The crystals here are always shining"


"Yeah, it's kinda strange"


"There's even a weird rumor that you can meet people here who've passed away"

I was shocked, could I even see my grandma again?

"Is that rumor even true?"

"Not a hundred percent sure"

"It would be nice to see the ones you love who have passed away again"

"Yeah, but anyway we just need to get a little bit of the crystal from the bottom of the pool so we can fix the mask properly"

"Right, but from the looks of it, they look kinda deep in the water, how are we gonna get some?"

"That's where you come in Juliana, go on, jump in, don't be scared" Carmine cheered.

"Wait, you want me to jump in?" I ask in surprise.

"Well yeah, I can't swim and besides, my clothes would get soaked if I did it"

Then an idea popped in my head.

"I almost forgot, Miraidon can swim, he can help me"

"Well what are you waiting for, get to it"

"Okay okay"

But before I could call out Miraidon, a big rumbling sound was heard and the ground was shaking.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, it is an earthquake?" Carmine questioned.

Then a Milotic popped out of the water and let out an angry roar.

Then a Milotic popped out of the water and let out an angry roar

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