Chapter 152

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Juliana pov

My eyes widen.

"We...we really...did it"

"Espeon, we did it, we won" I cheered.

She ran up to me and jumped into my arms while squealing.


We glanced at Kieran and I saw him backing away with a huge speechless look on his face. I just glared at him along with Espeon.

"What, he actually lost?"

I heard someone in the crowd question in shock.

"Let's go guys"

Then everyone started to leave and Kieran looked around still in his shock stage. The only ones that didn't leave were the elite four and Carmine.

"No...why, this wasn't supposed to happen!" Kieran panicked.

"Ugh, no no!"

He suddenly held his head with both his hands and fell to his knees.

"Way a go you two, that was awesome!"

"Crispin, read the room would you" Lacey scolded.

He just looks at her in confusion.

Then Drayton started to walk over to Kieran.

"Good match you two" he comment then stood next to Kieran.

"Too bad about the outcome though huh...ex champion?"

That made Kieran gasp with his eyes widen.

Then Drayton walked over to me.

"Look at you buddy, way a go"

We high five each other.

"Thanks Drayton, it was a pretty tough battle, wasn't it Espeon?"

"Esp" she nodded in agreement.

"Guess we got a new BB League Champion" he says proudly.

"It doesn't feel real though"

"The academy's got a prize for people like you who make it all the way to being champion, for you"

He handed me a master pokeball.

"Thanks Drayton, that's so nice" I smiled.

He glanced over to Kieran.

"Hey Kieran, this may not mean much coming from a guy who couldn't beat you, but...I wish you'd go back to having fun with all this"

"I wish the same thing" I added.

"I get that burning desire to win, I mean who doesn't like winning, just...don't let that desire burn you to a crisp, it's hard to watch"

"He's right Kieran" I nodded in agreement.

We both walked over to him and Drayton held out his hand for him.

"C'mon, let's all go and-"

But he was cut off by some mumbling that Kieran was doing.

" time..."

"Come again?"

Kieran stood up.

"I won't time for sure, I'll...I'll win, next time...I'll win..."

"He still won't snap out of it" I thought while frowning.

"Whoof" Drayton scratched the back of his head with a frown.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now