Chapter 164

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Juliana pov

"Only one more class and we'll be done for the day"

"I wish summer break was close because I'm ready to sleep in"

"You nocturnal or something?"

"No one asked you lunkhead"

"Hey watch it pipsqueak"

"Hey hey, none of that you guys"

"Sorry" Arven frowned.

"Yeah, sorry"

After we made it to Mr Salvatore's class, we took our seats and class began.

"My dear friends, how are you all today?"

"It's time for the last of Salvatore's language lessons, etes-vous prets, are you ready?"

As usual everyone answered with yes or oui.

"What a response, fantastique great answer that is, perfect for our last class together, I love it" he says happily.

"And aujourd'hui, today we will once again be having a listening lesson"

"I rather have that then hear him not talking in english" Arven whispered to me.

"Vas-y, go for it my assistant, pika pi Pikachu"

Then Mr Salvatore called out his Pikachu again.


"Let's get right to it, my little Pikachu friend"

"Now for our last listening class...tell everyone how you're feeling right now, s'il te plait"


"Oooh, can you feel that, that's one contagious emotion in Pikachu's voice, now what emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?"

I raised my hand.

"Yes Juliana, what's your answer?"

"It was happiness"

"Well done Juliana, I'm so happy that you got it right, haha get it?" he laughed.

Everyone started laughing along.

"When Pikachu says..."


"It's expressing happiness, doesn't it make you just want to break out into a happy dance, but I didn't have to ask Pikachu to put on an act today"

I was surprised.

"Oh no, I simply asked to show you all how it felt about getting to have class with you, getting to meet so many new friends and study together in this class with's made both me and my little Pikachu so very happy" Mr Salvatore smiled big.

"And now, apropos of nothing, let me give you all one last wise word of advice, as you live your lives, I'm sure you will all have times when you get mad or sad, maybe even more than you would like, everything has its ups and downs, life is a veritable roller coaster"

"He's right about that" I thought to myself.

"But, a la fin in the end, there is surely happiness waiting for you, gardez le sourire, keep a smile on your face even in the hardest of times" he encouraged.

"Chaaa!" Pikachu added.

"When you're faced with a problem that you can't handle alone, find someone to rely on, it can be a teacher, your family, your friends or anyone"

Then the school bell rang.

"Our prochain cours, next lesson will be our final exam in a few weeks, be sure to review what we learned in all our lessons so far, adios mata ne" he waved then we all headed out.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now