Chapter 180

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Narrator pov

After the couple made it to the cafeteria, Juliana was telling Arven about what she and Amarys were talking about back in the League Club room.


Juliana pov

"Wow, so Amarys has a crush on Kieran?"

"Yep" I nodded.

"That sure is shocking, but does Kieran know?"

"I don't think so but get this, Amarys admitted that she gets jealous when she sees me and Kieran together"

"Yep, it definitely sounds like a crush"

"I know, she also admitted that she thought that Kieran likes me in know romantic way, she'd forgotten that I have you" I chuckled.

"Wait, for real?"


"Oh my gosh" he laughed a little.

"I told her that my heart belongs to you"

Arven took my hand and kissed it.

"And my heart belongs to you Juliana, it always will"

I gave him a loving smile.

"Hey you two"

We jumped to see Nemona and Penny heading our way.

"Oh hi you guys"

They took a seat with us.

"What are you two lovebirds doing?" Nemona asks with a grin.

"We're just talking"

"Good thing I've found you two because I have to ask Arven something"

"Um...what is it?" he asks in confusion.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong but did I hear right that a certain floppy haired pal of mine started taking on gyms?"

"Really?" Penny gasped.

"Gah, you're the last person I wanted to find out about that" Arven jumped with a shock expression.

"Is that true Arven?" I ask in a speechless tone.


"Wow, what made you decide that?" Penny asks in curiosity.

"I'd figured to start small and try one now and then, in between school and all"

"That's awesome Arven"

"Niiice, that's a perfect first step on your path to becoming champion Arven" Nemona exclaimed.

"No way, there is no way I'm taking it that far" Arven shook his head.

"Are you sure that you don't have a  huge reason for this?" Penny asks.

"It's just, like...I dunno, I want to be able to stand beside my beautiful fiancee and feel like I belong there"

I blushed while smiling.

"Oh, whoa okay I get it, I get it" Nemona exclaimed.


"Awwwwwww, Arven"

"So what I'm hearing is we should battle for the right to be Juliana's rival" Nemona challenged.

"Ugh, see this is why I didn't want you to find out, I knew you'd be like this, you battle maniac" Arven face palmed.

"She always has been" Penny comment with a chuckle.

"Arven, I think that's great and you'll always belong next to me no matter what"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now