Chapter 187

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Narrator pov

After the gang arrived to the academy, they saw lots of students already there either dancing, talking in their own friend groups or were eating some food.


Juliana pov

"Wow, what a crowd" Kieran gasped.

"Yo yo yo!"

We turned to see Drayton and the others heading our way.

"Hey you guys, glad you made it" I say happily.

"Wow Juliana, Nemona, Penny and Carmine, you all look so beautiful in your dresses"

"Thanks Lacey, you look beautiful too"

"Thanks" she smiled.

"You do as well Amarys" I added.

"Thank you very much Juliana"

"Hey Carmine, you sure look hot" Drayton comment.

"Ugh" she just looked away but I noticed her cheeks were a little red. I think deep down, she felt happy by Drayton's compliment but refused to show it.

"Now then, what shall we do first?" Nemona asks.

Before anyone could replay, suddenly the Cha Cha Slide song began playing and lots of students were gathering at the center. Good thing the prom was outside and not inside.

"Ooooooooooo, I love this song let's dance" Drayton suggested in excitement.

"Oh yeah, the Cha Cha Slide" Carmine cheered.

"Oh boy, dancing to that will make me look silly"

I glanced at Arven who had a nervous look on his face.

"If you don't want to dance to this you don't have to, but I am so you can watch me" I kissed him on the cheek and followed Drayton and Carmine.

"Hey, I'm coming too" Nemona announced.

"So am I" Crispin followed as well.


Arven pov

The song began playing and I watched my fiancee start to dance, not gonna lie it does look like fun but I get embarrassed to easily.

"Hey Arven, I'm surprised that you don't want to dance with Juliana" says Kieran.

"I'm not a good dancer"

"At least I'm not the only one"

"You gotta think sir Arven, when you and Juliana get married, you will be sharing a beautiful wedding dance together" Atticus explained.

I completely forgotten about that.

"'re right about that"

"So this would be a perfect warm up" he added.

I glanced at Juliana and I started to feel guilty on not dancing with her. I took a huge deep breath and decided to give this dance a try.

"I'm gonna join in" I announced in a brave tone.

"Go for it Arven" Lacey cheered.

"Good luck" says Kieran.


Juliana pov

That was a lot of fun, I love doing the Cha Cha Slide.

When the song instructed us to slide to the left, I accidentally bumped into someone when I did. To my surprise, it was Arven.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now