Chapter 125

39 3 2

Juliana pov

"Watch your head" Kieran warned.


Wow, it sure is dark and small in here.

"See how dark it is in here and cramped?" Kieran asks.

"Yeah, it doesn't look very comfortable here, especially going to sleep at night"

"I agree, even the floor's all rough and uneven"

"But it doesn't look like the ogre's home though"

"It's probably out looking for food  or something, but living all alone in a place like this would get pretty miserable, don't you think?"

"Yeah I do, I feel sorry for it" I say with a sad expression.

"Me too, poor ogre...back at my house, we have plenty of room, I would totally let it stay with us"

"Aww, you're so sweet Kieran"

His cheeks got all red.

"N-no I'm not" he chuckled nervously.

"You are though"

"Well thank you, but like I've already said, I always liked the stories about the ogre...but"

"But what?"

"If the ogre really did show up to stay at our place, the whole town would freak"

"Oh right, I forgot about that, do you by any chance know what the ogre looks like?" I ask in curiosity.

"Sadly no, I've tried to find pictures but I found nothing" he frowned.

"Oh, well that sucks, I can't help but be curious about it's appearance"

"Same, well we should head on out"

"You're right, but before we go"

I took off my backpack and took out some berries and lay them on the ground.

"What are you doing with those berries?" Kieran asks in confusion.

"I'm leaving some for the ogre, just in case if it's hungry"

"That's so nice of you Juliana" Kieran smiled.

When we got out, to my surprise the sun was going down.

"Whoa, the sun's already gone down?" Kieran exclaimed in surprise.

"Seems like it"

"I guess we'll have to find the last signboard tomorrow"

"Yeah, that's a good idea" I nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I almost forgot" he gasped.

"Almost forgot what?" I ask in confusion.

"Today's the first day of the Festival of Masks over at Kitakami Hall"

"Festival of Masks, what's that?"

"It's this big event where everyone puts on masks and runs around celebrating" he explained.

"That sounds like fun"

"If you want...I mean you don't have to but...maybe...if you can...check it'd be fun" he says shyly.

"I would love to check it out, let's go together" I smiled.

He looked at me in surprise but turned it into a big smile.

"Yeah, it'd be great to go together"

"Well let's go"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now