Chapter 179

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Narrator pov

After everyone's cookies from were backed and cooled down, Juliana got out different color frosting.


Juliana pov

"Now here's the fun part, everyone can start making their cookies look like pokeballs with all these color frosting that I have right here"

"Ooooooooooo this is gonna be fun" Lacey squealed.

"And after were done, we get to eat them" I added with a grin.

We all began decorating our cookies, this was a lot of fun.

"Who has the red frosting?" Kieran asks.

"I got it, hold on a sec" says Nemona.

"Crispin, pass me the purple frosting please"

"Here you go Lacey"

I took a bit of the white frosting and poked Arven on the nose. That took him by surprise.


I giggled.

Suddenly he touched my nose and now I have white frosting on it.


We bursted into laughing.

"Who has the black frosting?" Amarys asks.

"I do, here you go"

"Thanks Carmine"

"You're welcome"

"Drayton, are you eating the frosting?" Penny asks in surprise.

"Maybe a little, it's pretty sweet"

"You're weird toothpaste head"

He just stuck out his tongue.

"Who has the yellow frosting?" Crispin asks.

"I do, here you are" I handed him the yellow frosting.

"Thanks Juliana"

"Drayton, hurry up with the blue" Carmine says in a impatient tone.

"I'm almost done, just hold your Horsea's"

"I don't have a Horsea, you toothpaste bozo"

Nemona, Penny and I started laughing. I noticed Kieran was covering his mouth while trying to not laugh but was failing.

"What are you all laughing about?"

"What Drayton said was just an expression" I continued laughing.


We laughed even harder which made Carmine look more mad.

After a while, we were all done with our pokeball sugar cookies.

"Wowzers, they all came out great" Kieran comment in amazement.

"And they look like real pokeballs" Amarys comment.

"And they look like real pokeballs" Amarys comment

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