Chapter 132

42 3 7

Juliana pov

I immediately answered.

"Hi Arven" I greeted happily.

"Hi cutie"

"Oh my gosh, I miss you so much"

"I miss you so much too, so what are you doing?"

I suddenly was on an urge to cry and I couldn't stop myself from preventing it.



"What's wrong?" he asks worryingly.

"Sorry, it's just...I miss you and everyone so much, I wish you were all here with me...*sniff*"

"I know cutie, I wish you were home with us too"

To my surprise, Ogerpon used her leafy hand to wipe away my tears.

"Pon" she wrapped her leafy arms around me.

"Awww, thanks Ogerpon"

"Who's Ogerpon?"

"Oh, she's a new pokemon friend I made"

"Oh really, did you catch Ogerpon?"

"No, I'm actually helping her with two new friends of mine"

"Who are these two new friends?"

"There names are Carmine and Kieran, their from Blueberry Academy"

"I see, are they nice to you?"

"Well, in the beginning Carmine was a little harsh, but she's really nice and Kieran, he's really nice too, he's been my partner of our assignment that we had to do"

"What assignment?"

"We had to go around and find three  signboards that was telling a story of a legend here in Kitakami and take pictures in front of all of them, I'll have to tell you more about it when I come back"

"I'll be looking forward to it, so what else happened?"

"Well, we went to this festival, it's called the Festival of Masks and it was a lot of fun, they had a lot of amazing games, masks, food and music too"

"Wow, so that's why you were all fancy looking in that picture you sent me"


"You looked so cute"

"Awww thanks"

"So are you three helping out Ogerpon?"

"Well, it's only me and Carmine that are helping her"

"Then what's your new friend Kieran up to?" Arven asks in confusion.

"He said he just has some stuff to do, not sure what kind of stuff though" I frowned.

"That's strange"

"I'll...have to tell you about some stuff when I come home, it's just being here isn't the best spot"

"Alright cutie I understand, from where I haven't heard your voice for a while, I just had to call you"

"I'm glad you did, hearing your voice is making me feel a little better, so what are you doing?"

"I was actually out with my mom, we were having mother and son time after I got done with all my classes for today"

"That's sweet" I smiled.


"Well, I wish I can talk longer but I have to go since I need to help Ogerpon and I don't want to keep Carmine waiting since were supposed to meet up"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now