Chapter 135

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Juliana pov

I was happy to finally to be off the plane, my butt is killing me.

I looked around for Nemona, Arven and Penny since they said they were  gonna meet me here, I couldn't wait to see them, and my mom, Dachsbun, Lucario, little Eevee and Eevee's family. But the one I missed the most was Arven.


I jumped when I heard my name being called, I slowly turned around and I saw my boyfriend and friends waving at me.

I felt tears form in my eyes, I immediately ran up to them and I hugged Arven tight.

"Juliana, welcome home" Nemona greeted happily.

"Yeah, welcome back" Penny greeted.

"Hi cutie"

"Guys...I've missed you so much" I sniffled.

"We've missed you too" Nemona joined in the hug and Penny did as well.

It felt so nice to be with my friends and boyfriend again. After Nemona and Penny let go, I was still hugging Arven.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"Oh cutie, what's wrong?"

"I just...I just missed you all so much and...I missed my mom, Dachsbun, Lucario, little Eevee and her family...I...I just missed you all so so much"

"Oh we said, we've really missed you too, we can't wait to hear about your trip" says Penny.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to battle some new pokemon you brought back"

"Nemona, Juliana's probably to tired to battle, right cutie"

"Yeah, and I just wanna relax today"

"Come on cutie, let's take you to your house, your mom is making dinner for all of us"

Arven wrapped his arm around my shoulders while we all headed out of the airport.


Narrator pov

It didn't take long for the gang to arrive to Juliana's house.


Juliana pov

"Its good to be home" I smiled.

Nemona knocked on the door and it didn't take long for my mom to answer.

"Juliana, welcome home" she gave me a big bear hug.

"Hi mom" I hugged her back.



I saw Dachsbun and Lucario come out so I kneeled to the ground to give them big hugs.

"Oh Dachsbun, Lucario I missed you guys so much"


I saw Eevee and her family walk over to us and I gave them all hugs as well.

"And I missed you guys too"

"We're all so happy your home Juliana, come on in, I got dinner ready"

We all walked to the kitchen and after we all made a plate, we all began eating.

"So honey, how was your trip?"

"It was a lot of fun"

"Did you catch any new pokemon?" Nemona asks.

"I did actually, I caught two new ones, after we get done eating, I'll introduce them"

"Ooooooooooo, I can't wait"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now