Chapter 173

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Narrator pov

Everyone got to know each other and so far everyone was getting along, well almost since Carmine doesn't like Drayton very much.


Juliana pov

"Again, welcome to Blueberry Academy you three, we hope you enjoy it" Lacey says happily.

"Thanks so much"

"It's nice to have some more people from another school come here, long are you guys gonna be here?" Drayton asks.

"For a while since we hope that taking classes here will help us get more credit to graduate" Nemona answered.

"I'm ready for summer break though"

"Don't worry Penny, it'll be here before you know it"

"I know, it's just hard to wait"

"It is, I'm ready to do some serious relaxing" Drayton says while stretching his arms out.

"You're always slacking off so why do you still need to relax?" Carmine asks in sarcastic.

"Hey, I don't always slack off"

"I find that hard to believe"

"I kinda agree with Carmine" says Lacey.

"Oh come on ladies, as a elite four member, I'm pretty hard working"

"I don't believe that" I heard Carmine mumble.

"Which one of you wants to have a battle with me?" Nemona asks eagerly.

This caught everyone by surprise.

"I'm so desperate to have a double battle here at Blueberry Academy, so who's first huh huh?"

"But you all just got here, don't you wanna relax?" Amarys asks.

"Battling always relaxes me"

"It's true, it does" I added.

"I'll have a battle with you" says Lacey.

"Awesome, let's go"

Nemona already ran out of the room.

"Wow, she sure is desperate" Lacey comment while heading out as well.

"I see that not everything has changed since the last time we saw you guys" says Carmine.

"Hey Arven, I've heard from Juliana that you're the best sandwich maker ever, is that true?" Crispin asks in excitement.

"I uh...I don't know about making the best sandwiches ever but...I do love cooking, it's always been a hobby of mine" he answered nervously.

"Can I try one of your sandwiches, pretty please?"

"Well...sure, okay"

"Yes" Crispin cheered.

"So uh...Amarys, Juliana told us about this...thing you gave Miraidon that made him actually fly...can you show me what that was?" Penny asks shyly.

"Absolutely...come on I'll show you"

Then Amarys and Penny headed out as well.

"Wait, did Amarys give Miraidon something to make him fly?" Carmine asks in shock.

"Yes she did, when I did her elite trial"

"I gotta see what this item is, see ya" Carmine rushed out.

"Oh sis"

"Hey Arven, how are you able to get such a cool cute girl's attention?" Drayton asks with a smirk.

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now