Chapter 127

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Juliana pov

When I met up with him, he escorted me back to the community center.

"I had a really great time tonight" I smiled.

"I'm glad, so I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yep, goodnight Kieran"


After I got to my room, I got into my pajamas and went to bed.

"Man, that was so much fun...I can't believe me and Carmine saw the ogre...I just hope Kieran  doesn't find out, even though I wish I could tell him"

I heard my phone go off and I saw it was a text from Arven.

"Hi cutie, I just wanna say goodnight and I love and miss you very much"

I felt tears form in my eyes. I texted back.

"I love and miss you too Arven, I wish you and the others were here with me"

It didn't take long for him to respond again.

"I know cutie, but once you come home I have a big hug waiting for you"

I giggled.

"Looking forward to it, goodnight"

After that, I put my phone down and turned out the lights and fell straight to sleep.


Narrator pov

The next day, Juliana was just getting done eating breakfast and headed out.


Juliana pov

When I stepped outside, I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Ahh, what a lovely day"

"There you are Juliana"

I jumped when someone said my name, to my surprise, it was Carmine.

"Oh hi Carmine, good morning"


"What are you doing here?"

"Hey, just because we didn't agree to meet, doesn't mean you get to keep me waiting"

"You were waiting for me?"

"Yeah, so uh...I wanted to talk to you for a bit"


"You haven't told anybody about the, you know...thing that happened yesterday right?"


"You better not be lying, if I find out you blabbed, I'm gonna make you swallow a Koffing whole" she threatened.

"Really Carmine, I haven't told anybody"

She calmed down.

"Okay good, but you still have that thing you picked up at the stairs right?"

"Yeah, it's in my backpack"

"Great, anyway my grandpa knows a lot about the village's history"

"Really?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah, so we should go talk to him about what happened last night"

"Well...okay, but I hope it doesn't take too much of the day because I really need to find the last signboard with Kieran"

"Don't worry, since you know where my house, I'll meet you there, but don't keep me waiting and we need to show him know...the thing we found"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now