Chapter 156

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Juliana pov

My eyes widened when I saw him.

"'d you find my dorm room?" I ask in shock.

"Sis told me"


"Juliana, can we please talk?" he begged.

I was about to say no when I noticed his eyes were filled with tears. It broke my heart to see him like that, so after letting out a sigh, I finally nodded.

"Alright, come on in"

After he did, I closed the door and we both sat down at the table.

"Sorry about the mess"

"I-its okay, anyway I came to...apologize"

"For what though?"

"For...everything, I know I caused a lot of trouble for the League Club and everyone...I...I'm gonna give everybody a proper apology...but...the one person I really wanna apologize to the you Juliana"

I was really surprised.

"Kieran, you've really hurt my feelings by not responding to my letters you said we weren't friends anymore...just rivals and for how you've been treating me the whole time I was battling the elite four and I was pretty disappointed on how you've treated others here at the school"

"I know...and I'm sorry, like I've mentioned in Area Zero, I've looked up to you and your someone I wish I could be and I let my jealously get to me by becoming obsessed with trying to get stronger, I didn't think about anyone's feelings, and...I hate myself for hurting you, the only friend I've ever had, and for trying to force Ogerpon and Terapagos to come with me when I knew they wanted to go with you, I didn't think about their feelings either...I only cared about myself"

He had tears rolling down his cheeks.


"And...uh...I guess what I'm trying to say is...I wanna make things right"

The look in his eyes were telling me that he was being sincere.

"I understand if you don't want to or not you think...we could start over from zero and be friends again?"

"Like I said before, if you don't want to be my friend I understand, I don't deserve an amazing friend like you Juliana...I know this isn't much but...I...I have something for you"

He held out the box that I saw him holding earlier.

"What is it?"

"See for yourself"

When I opened it, I gasped because it Espeon face mask that looked just like the one I saw at the Festival of Masks. And I also saw some candy apples that were in wrappers.

"Wait, are these?"

"Yeah, the day I tried to talk to you and you wouldn't let me, I remembered how you've mentioned that I didn't treasure everything we did at Kitakami when really I did, and I knew you wanted this mask and loved the candy apples we've ate together, so I went back to Kitakami and got them for you...I know it's not much but I wanted to show you that I will never forget that day...well, I should go since you're probably busy and you don't want me around"

When he got to the door, I immediately grabbed his arm and that stopped him.

"Kieran wait"

He turned to me.


I pulled him in for a hug. I heard him let out a gasp.

"Thank you"

Book 2 of new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now